We have decided to deprecate our dedup server for now. The alternative is a client-side dedup that we will release in the near future. Check out this article for more information: https://kb.msp360.com/managed-backup-service/the-new-client-side-deduplication
Q: What’s new in MSP360 Dedup Server 2.0?
A: We simplified data transferring methods - namely, you no longer need to use intermediate network shares for client backups; all data is going directly to the dedup service.
Q: What storage does MSP360 Dedup Server support?
A: It works with multiple cloud-based data storage like Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, and many other cloud platforms.
Q: Does Dedup server support compression and encryption?
A: Yes, it supports compression and encryption (AES-256).
Q: Does MSP360 Dedup Server maintain the connection with cloud storage?
A: No. Connections with cloud storage are established and closed on demand when uploading and restoring files.
Q: Does MSP360 Backup maintain the connection with MSP360 Dedup Server?
A: In the current version no, connections are established on demand. However, we are working over some features that may be required (or it would be preferred) to maintain the connection.
Q: Does MSP360 Dedup Server have a PostgreSQL database that keeps track of everything related to deduplication?
A: A PostgreSQL database is used to store deduplication metadata. The database is an essential part and losing it means losing all backed up data, because it's impossible to generate original files from deduplicated data without the database
Q: What will be the size of Dedup ‘intermediate’ storage in the future? Is it a copy of data stored in the cloud, or is it only an index file related to the cloud storage, yet much smaller? How much space do I need to allocate the ‘intermediate’ storage as compared to the overall size of backed up data before and after deduplication?
A: The Intermediate storage is currently used only to combine sets of blocks (called Mediasets) before uploading to a cloud. The Mediaset size is limited to 4GB by default. Once the 4GB file is ready, it goes to the cloud and then it is removed from the Intermediate storage. We also have added a force upload timer, which allows Dedup to send data to the storage without checking its size. If you want to use this option, go to the Advanced tab of Dedup Server.
Q: What is the function of Dedup Server ‘repository backup’? Is it a backup of actual data sent by MSP360 Backups, or is it a backup of its configuration, or is it a backup of the ‘intermediate’ storage?
A: The repository backup makes backups of the PostgreSQL database that contains all dedup metadata. Without this information all deduplicated data is useless.
Q: In case my computers are gone out in flames, how do I setup MSP360 Dedup Server on a new computer to be able to restore data from the cloud? How do I setup MSP360 Backup on a new computer to restore backed up data from the previous computer, which is dead and gone?
A: In case of disaster, you shall act as follows.On the server:
- Install the Dedup Server on a new computer
- Run the “Restore MSP360 Dedup Server” shortcut
- Configure your cloud account
- Run a repository restore
- Start MSP360 Dedup Server service
On the client computer:
- Install MSP360 Backup
- Configure new Dedup Server account and click 'Advanced Settings'
- Select the name of your crashed computer as a Backup Prefix
Then the repository synchronization process will start and when it is completed you'll able to see the backed up files on the Backup Storage tab.
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