СloudBerry Drive Command Line Interface

СloudBerry Drive Command Line Interface

СloudBerry Drive Command Line Interface

СloudBerry presents enhanced СloudBerry Drive – application for Windows which allows mounting cloud storage as a local drive. Now СloudBerry Drive can be installed and configured via the Windows Command Line interface.

Installing СloudBerry Drive

To perform actions listed in this paragraph properly you need to start the command-line interface with the "Run as administrator" option.

  1. Click on the Windows "Start" button.
  2. Type cmd.exe in the search line to run the Windows console, press "Enter".
  3. Change your current folder to the folder with the СloudBerry Drive installation file.
  4. Run installation by typing the following command:CloudBerryDriveSetup_v[build_version].exe /SNote: The file name depends on your version of СloudBerry Drive.

Activating СloudBerry Drive

  1. Click on the Windows "Start" button.
  2. Type cmd.exe in the search line to run the Windows console, press "Enter".
  3. Change your current folder to the folder with the СloudBerry Drive installation file.cd "C:\Program Files\CloudBerryLab\CloudBerry Drive"

Online Activation

Activate license. (Email & key are required):

cbd.exe /activatelicense -k "license_key" -e "email"(where "email" is your email and "license_key" is the license key that you received when buying the product).

Request Trial

Request a trial license. (Email & key are required):

Change your current folder to the folder with the СloudBerry Drive installation file.cbd.exe /activatelicense -e "email" -t

Offline Activation

If you can't activate СloudBerry Backup online you can use offline activation.

  1. Generate offline license request using your email and license key:cbd.exe /activatelicense -k "license_key" -e "email" -or(where "email" is your email and "license_key" is the license key that you received when buying the product).As an output, you will get a service key.
  2. Send the service key to support@msp360.com. You will receive the activation key by email.
  3. Activate license keycbd.exe /activatelicense -k "license_key" -e "email" -oa "activationkey_received"For time-limited license you need to specify -expire parameter with the date you received by email:cbd.exe /activatelicense -k "license_key" -e "email" -oa "activationkey_received" -expire "YYYY-MM-DD"
  4. The product is activated.

Release license

Release license (releaseLicense):

cbd.exe /releaseLicenseTo release license in a silent mode, run the following command:

cbd.exe /silent /releaselicense

Working with Storage Accounts

Registering a Storage Account

To perform actions listed in this paragraph properly you need to start the command line interface under the local user account.

    1. Click on the Windows "Start" button.
    2. Type cmd.exe in the search line to run the Windows console, press "Enter".
    3. Change your current folder to the СloudBerry Drive installation folder. Type:cd "C:\Program Files\CloudBerryLab\CloudBerry Drive"
    4. To register an Amazon S3 account, type:cbd.exe addAccount -d account_display_name -st S3 -ac accesskey -sk secretkey -ssl yes/noTo register an S3-like cloud storage account, type:cbd.exe addAccount -d account_display_name -st storageType -ac accesskey -sk secretkey -sp servicePoint -ssl yes/noTo register an OpenStack-based cloud storage account, type:cbd.exe addAccount -d account_display_name -st storageType -ac username -sk apikey -as servicePoint -ssl yes/noTo register a Windows Azure account, type:cbd.exe addAccount -d account_display_name -st Azure -ac account -sk sharedkey -ssl yes/noTo register a Google Cloud Storage account, type:cbd.exe addAccount -d account_display_name -st Google -ac accesskey -sk secretkey -ssl yes/no


The parameter "-d" can be any of your choices.

The parameter "-st" can be one of the following: S3, Azure, Google, Scality, Tiscali, DreamObjects, Seeweb, Walrus, Mezeo, OpenStack, RackSpace,  HPCloud, Haylix.

The parameter "-ac" is for accessKey, account, queryID or userName depending on storage you are registering. "Access Key" for Amazon S3 storage; "Account" for Azure storage; "Query ID" for Walrus storage; "User Name" for OpenStack, Rackspace, and HPCloud storage.

The parameter "-sk" is for secretKey, sharedKey or apiKey depending on storage you are registering. "Secret Key" for Amazon S3 storage; "Shared key" for Azure storage; or "Api Key" for OpenStack, Rackspace, or HPCloud storage.

The parameter "-sp" is for service point for AmazonS3-like storage accounts.

The parameter "-as" is for authentication service for OpenStack-based cloud storage accounts.

The parameter "-ssl" enables or disables SSL. By default SSL is set to "no".

Note: You can learn more about parameters for "addAccount" by entering the following command: cbd.exe addAccount -?

Editing or Deleting a Storage Account

To perform actions listed in this paragraph properly you need to start the command line interface under the local user account.

  1. Click on the Windows "Start" button.
  2. Type cmd.exe in the search line to run the Windows console, press "Enter".
  3. Change your current folder to the СloudBerry Drive installation folder. Type:cd "C:\Program Files\CloudBerryLab\CloudBerry Drive"
  4. To delete an account, type:cbd.exe deleteAccount accountNameNote: you can delete multiple accounts with one command. To do this type names of accounts you want to delete separated with commas.
  5. To edit an Amazon S3 account, type:cbd.exe editAccount -d account_display_name -n new_display_name -st S3 -ac accesskey -sk secretkey -ssl yes/noTo edit an S3-like cloud storage account, type:cbd.exe editAccount -d account_display_name -n new_display_name -st storageType -ac accesskey-sk secretkey -sp servicePoint -ssl yes/noTo edit an OpenStack-based cloud storage account, type:cbd.exe editAccount -d account_display_name -n new_display_name -st storageType -ac username-sk apikey -as servicePoint -ssl yes/noTo edit a Windows Azure account, type:cbd.exe editAccount -d account_display_name -n new_display_name -st Azure -ac account -sk sharedkey -ssl yes/noTo edit a Google Cloud Storage account, type:cbd.exe editAccount -d account_display_name -n new_display_name -st Google -ac accesskey -sk secretkey -ssl yes/no


To change the display name of your account, type:

cbd.exe editAccount -d CurrentName -n NewNameTo turn on SSL, type:cbd.exe editAccount -d CurrentName -ssl yesIMPORTANT:

Parameter "-d" can be any of your choices.

Parameter "-st" can be one of the following: S3, Azure, Google, Scality, Dunkel, Tiscali,  DreamObjects, Seeweb, Walrus, Mezeo, OpenStack, RackSpace,  HPCloud, Haylix.

The parameter "-ac" is for accessKey, account, queryID or userName depending on storage you are registering. "Access Key" for Amazon S3 storage; "Account" for Azure storage; "Query ID" for Walrus storage; "User Name" for OpenStack, Rackspace, and HPCloud storage.

The parameter "-sk" is for secretKey, sharedKey or apiKey depending on storage you are registering. "Secret Key" for Amazon S3 storage; "Shared key" for Azure storage; or "Api Key" for OpenStack, Rackspace, or HPCloud storage.

The parameter "-sp" is for service point for AmazonS3-like storage accounts.

The parameter "-as" is for authentication service for OpenStack-based cloud storage accounts.

The parameter "-ssl" enables or disables SSL. By default SSL is set to "no".

The parameter "-n" is for a new display name.

Note: You can learn more about parameters for "deleteAccount" or "editAccount" by entering: cbd.exe deleteAccount -? or cbd.exe editAccount -?.

Creating a Mapped Drive

To perform actions listed in this paragraph properly you need to start the command line interface under the local user account.

  1. Click on the Windows "Start" button.
  2. Type cmd.exe in the search line to run the Windows console, press "Enter".
  3. Change your current folder to the СloudBerry Drive installation folder. Type:cd "C:\Program Files\CloudBerryLab\CloudBerry Drive"
  4. Type:cbd.exe addDrive -d DriveLetter -an AccountName -path container/folder -label VolumeLabel
  5. To mount a mapped drive, type:cbd.exe mountDrive DriveLetter


The parameter "-d" is for any drive letter you prefer.

The parameter "-an" is for the name of your registered cloud storage account.

The parameter "-path" is for the path to your data container - bucket/folder/subfolder. You can specify the path using a slash.

The parameter "-label" is for a mapped drive label. Specify any of your choices.

The parameter "-as" specifies whether to mount the drive as a removable disk or as a network mapped drive. By default, the drive is mounted as a network mapped drive. Possible values: removable, network.

The parameter "-ss" specifies if to mount the drive at system startup. By default, the drive is mounted on a startup. Possible values: yes, no.

The parameter "-ro" specifies if to mount the drive for read-only access. Possible values: yes, no. The default setting is no.

The parameter "-rrs" specifies if to use Reduced Redundancy Storage for Amazon S3 accounts. Possible values: yes, no. The default setting is no.

The parameter "-sse" specifies if to use Server Side Encryption. Possible values: yes, no. Default setting is no.

Note: You can learn more about parameters for "addDrive" by entering the following command: cbd.exe addDrive -?


cbd.exe addAccount -d mys3 -st S3 -ac XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX -sk XXXxxXXXXXXXxxXXXXXXxXXXXXXxxxXXXXXXXXcbd.exe proxysettings -type autocbd.exe editAccount -d mys3 -ssl yescbd.exe addDrive -d Z -an mys3 -path mybucket/reports -label myreports -rrs yescbd.exe mountDrive Z

Starting СloudBerry Drive Service

To perform actions listed in this paragraph properly you need to start the command-line interface with the "Run as administrator" option.

  1. Click on the Windows "Start" button.
  2. Type cmd.exe in the search line to run the Windows console, press "Enter".
  3. Change your current folder to the СloudBerry Drive installation folder. Type:cbd.exe /startservice

Now if you have done everything correctly you shall be able to use your cloud storage account as a mapped drive.

Additional Commands

СloudBerry Drive has additional CLI commands that allow controlling СloudBerry Drive service via the Windows Command-Line. Using these commands you can stop the activity of СloudBerry Drive, restart the service, mount and unmount mapped drive.

To stop СloudBerry Drive service, type:

cbd.exe /stopserviceTo restart СloudBerry Drive service, type:

cbd.exe /restartserviceTo unmount the drive, type:

cbd.exe unmountDrive DriveLetterNote: Replace "DriveLetter" with the letter of your mounted drive (e.g. Z or G)

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