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Benefits of Cloud-Based Storage

Why Cloud-Based Storage Is Better Than Traditional Storage

Why Cloud-Based Storage Is Better Than Traditional Storage

It’s never been more important to back up business data.

Data breaches are happening every day, and there aren’t any signs of attacks slowing down anytime soon.

Even though there are numerous ways to back up data, using cloud-based storage is becoming increasingly popular among businesses.

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    Why Сloud-Based Storage?

    Cloud-based storage isn’t anything new, but there’s still some uncertainty around how it can improve business operations.

    Why Сloud-Based Storage?Without a doubt, businesses over the years have been backing up more and more data to the cloud, and for them, the benefits are clear.

    Cloud-based backup has made it possible for organizations of all sizes — especially SMBs — to overcome increased storage demands without severely impacting bottom lines.

    Unlike traditional backup methods, cloud-based backup enables businesses to keep operations running smoothly — despite a growing threat landscape.

    There are numerous cloud-based data providers to choose from, including Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft, Google, Backblaze, OpenStack, Wasabi, Lunacloud and Rackspace.

    The good news is MSP360 supports many of them.

    There are several reasons why a business would choose cloud storage over traditional storage.

    You Can Access Your Data from Anywhere

    Access Your Data from Anywhere

    One of the top benefits of cloud-based storage is accessibility.

    You can access your data from anywhere in the world after it’s backed up to the cloud. All you need is an internet-connected device and login credentials — that’s it.

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    If You Need More Storage, You Can Just Purchase It

    Sophisticated on-premises backup infrastructure can be costly, especially when you’re scaling it.

    With traditional backup, your storage capacity is limited to the infrastructure you have on site.

    Purchase Storage

    To scale your on-premises backup infrastructure, you’ll need to purchase additional hardware (such as magnetic tapes and tape drives) and allocate more manpower (to manage the additional resources).

    When backing up data to the cloud, if you need more storage, you can simply purchase it — usually at a reasonable price.

    Your cloud-based storage provider takes care of the rest.

    Further reading 3 Steps to Choosing a Cloud Storage Provider

    Cloud-Based Backup Is More Secure Than On-Premises Storage Options

    On the rise are cybersecurity threats.

    As they continue to increase and evolve, businesses are forced to reckon with the possibility of data breaches impacting them — and data loss can cripple businesses, especially smaller ones.

    Sixty percent of SMBs go out of business within six months of a data breach, according to the National Cyber Security Alliance.

    Cloud-Based Backup Is More SecureA flood or another natural disaster at the location where you’re storing backups can easily damage your tapes. Once your tapes are ruined, your data is lost forever.

    Also, tape backups can easily be stolen — even when they’re locked up.

    Data stored in the cloud is typically protected by round-the-clock monitoring.

    Data propagated to the cloud is also highly durable and redundant. It’s replicated — sometimes to separate locations — to increase storage reliability.

    Many cloud-based data providers also assist with complying with regulatory data requirements related to data storage and protection.

    Tiered Storage Helps Save Costs

    When it comes to storage, the cost is always a factor.

    Tiered StorageOne way cloud-based storage can help alleviate some costs typically associated with backup is by automatically tiering storage based on the accessibility.

    Not all data is equal. To save on costs, some data can be tucked away if it doesn’t need to be readily available.

    With cloud-based storage, you can have your backups automatically moved from higher priced to lower priced tiers to save on money, and it's perfect for long-term retention.

    When using cloud-based storage to back up business data, you ensure the data can easily be accessed from anywhere, backups are kept safe, and costs are cut.

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