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MSP Dark Web Monitoring

What Dark Web Monitoring Means for MSPs

What Dark Web Monitoring Means for MSPs

The dark web doesn’t have to be a foreign concept to your clients. Look at it as an opportunity to provide additional value to them through your own dark web monitoring services. Unlike other services MSPs provide, dark web monitoring is still in its infancy, so differentiate your offering today. 

With data breaches in the headlines so often, many of your clients are turning to you for solutions. While their fears are warranted, it’s up to you to deliver a dark web offering worth investing in.

There are several ways to provide MSP dark web monitoring services.

Educate clients about the dark web and its impact on businesses

Even though many of your clients have heard of the dark web — probably from the headlines they come across when scanning the news — they may not fully understand how it can impact them.

That’s where you come in. Your clients rely on you to monitor the evolving threat landscape and educate them on how they can prevent hackers from infiltrating their networks and systems. As with any other service you provide to clients, education is often key to your success. It’s how you subtly show them you know what you’re talking about while making your life easier by preparing them for battle against hackers with only a single goal in mind when breaching anybody — make money.

As you know, cybercriminals attack businesses of all sizes for customer data, but many of your clients — probably SMBs — think breaches only happen at the enterprise level (that’s what they’re often led to believe by the stories on data breaches in the media, right?). Prove your clients wrong.

Share the right insights with them. For example, about 43% of all cyberattacks target SMB operations, according to a recent investigative report published by Verizon. Then, point out where hackers typically sell the customer data they’ve acquired after breaching a system — the dark web.

By educating your clients on the dark web, you set yourself up for a sales conversation.

Further reading Why Dark Web Monitoring Should Be Top of Mind for MSPs

Use the dark web as a sales tactic

Informing your clients of the dangers of the dark web provides you with an opportunity to pitch additional solutions designed to prevent data breaches and monitor the exchange of sensitive data.

After you educate your clients on the dark web, they’re more likely to listen to what you have to say about the MSP dark web monitoring services; this is why it’s essential to educate first before trying to sell.

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Your goal should be to provide your clients with just enough information about the dark web. There’s no need to get into the details; they don’t need them. What you must do is get them to the point where they want a solution to the problem you’ve been educating them about. That’s when it’s the right time upsell your clients on the dark web monitoring services available to them in your portfolio.

Before pitching anything, find a monitoring solution that complements security solutions in your current offering and increases your MRR.

Find the right dark web monitoring solution for you

Whatever you do, don’t try to monitor the dark web yourself.

While there are several monitoring solutions in the market for MSPs, finding the right one takes time; selecting the wrong one can put you at a disadvantage if network compromises do arise.

Many of these solutions scour the dark web — which includes, private sites, peer-to-peer networks, botnets and hidden chatrooms — for customer credentials and alert you if any turn up. These monitoring solutions are designed to assist you with proactively protecting your clients through a variety of features, including real-time tracking and reporting, security awareness training and more.

The solution you eventually select should ultimately elevate what you’re already providing to clients and generate additional MRR for your business.

Providing MSP dark web monitoring services to your customers not only protects them but adds growth to your top line if you can properly educate and pitch your offering, and leverage the right solutions.

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