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MSP360 Backup Web Access Updated

MSP360 Backup Web Access Updated

We have been running MSP360 Backup Web Access for quite some time and it has become a fairly popular way to access backup storage from all over the places where you don't have access to the local backup client. We have recently updated the Web Access to make it cleaner and easier to use.

With MSP360 Backup Web Interface you can:

  1. Access your backup storage everywhere from a computer with the internet access
  2. Login with the OpenID such as Google or Yahoo.
  3.  Access your backup data across all your computers.
  4. Download the files
  5. View file properties
  6. View file versions
  7. Share the files.

Below you can find a few screenshots to see the main functionality.

Sign in using any popular OpenID:image001

Enter AWS Access and Secret Keys. The keys are securely stored in our database.

Main interface:image005

Select Buckets:image007

File Properties:image009

File Versions: image011

Share the file: image013

As always we would be happy to hear your feedback and you are welcome to post a comment.