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Support of Windows CLI and OpenStack Regions in MSP360 Drive

Support of Windows CLI and OpenStack Regions in MSP360 Drive

MSP360 constantly works on enhancements of our products in order to make them even better. Today we are glad to present an upgraded MSP360 Drive - a powerful application for Windows which allows mounting cloud storage as a local drive. Now MSP360 Drive can be installed and configured via the Windows Command Line interface and supports regions for OpenStack-based cloud storage services.

Windows Command Line and MSP360 Drive

Install and activate MSP360 Drive

  • A command for silent install:
    CloudBerryDriveSetup_v1.2.0.13.exe /S (is performed under an administrator account)
  • A command for requesting the MSP360 Drive trial:
    cbd.exe /activatelicense -t -e email (is performed under administrator account)
  • For registering MSP360 Drive license key:
    cbd.exe /activatelicense -e email -k your_license_key (is performed under administrator account)

Register a Storage Account with MSP360 Drive

A command for registering a cloud storage account: cbd.exe addAccount -d account_display_name -st storageType -ac firstKey -sk secondKey -sp servicePoint -ssl yes/no

Create a Mapped Drive with MSP360 Drive

A command for creating a mapped drive: cbd.exe addDrive -d DriveLetter -an AccountName –path container/folder -label VolumeLabel

Start, stop and restart MSP360 Drive

  • A command for starting MSP360 Drive service: cbd.exe /startservice
  • A command for stopping MSP360 Drive service:  cbd.exe /stopservice
  • A command for restarting MSP360 Drive service: cbd.exe /restartservice

Mount and unmount cloud storage mapped as a drive

  • A command for mounting mapped drive: cbd.exe /mountDrive “DriveLetter”
  • A command for unmounting mapped drive: cbd.exe /unmountDrive “DriveLetter”

OpenStack Regions and MSP360 Drive

Users of MSP360 Drive now can mount OpenStack containers that are located in different regions as a network drive. Previously users of OpenStack-based cloud storage services could mount only buckets that are located in the default regions of cloud storage services. Now a bucket in any region can be mapped with MSP360 Backup. That enhancement affects HP Cloud, Rackspace and other OpenStack Swift-based cloud storage users.


We hope that enhanced MSP360 Drive meets your needs and will become a tool of choice for you. Mounting cloud storage account as a network drive can sufficiently enhance the usability of cloud storage. And the latest enhancements in MSP360 Drive can significantly speed things up and make cloud storage as a network drive even more convenient.
MSP360 Drive is a cost-efficient and powerful tool that makes mounting cloud storage account extremely easy for everyone. And you can try MSP360 Drive for free right now.