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Sauvegardez-Vous Solutions Shifts to Cloud Backup with MSP360

Sauvegardez-Vous Solutions Shifts to Cloud Backup with MSP360

“I couldn’t resist laughing when a client told me that he already has a backup — a copy of his hard drive to another. It was high time we introduced cloud backup to small businesses and made money on it.” -- Jean-Sébastien St-Amour, IT Director of Sauvegardez-Vous Solutions Technologiques

Business Challenge

As a small IT company based in a French-speaking part of Canada, Sauvegardez-Vous Solutions Technologiques has decided to add a cloud backup service to their portfolio just recently. “When I heard that our customers only do local backups, I was shocked. I couldn’t resist laughing when a client told me that he already has a backup — a copy of his hard drive to another”, Jean-Sébastien St-Amour, IT Director of Sauvegardez-Vous Solutions Technologiques told MSP360.

“It was clear for us that to have a perfect backup, you need to keep the data outside of the primary site, not on the same computer and not on a tape left in a fire safe. Fire can ruin everything”.

Sauvegardez-Vous Solutions Technologiques decided that they can not leave it that way. “It was high time we introduced cloud backup to small businesses and made money on it”, Jean-Sébastien St-Amour said. The company has started its search for a suitable cloud backup solution.

The biggest challenge that Sauvegardez-Vous Solutions Technologiques faced was to find a reliable product that could be rebranded and support the French language. “We can only sell software in French, it’s a law in Québec,” IT Director of the company commented. “And we only accept perfectly working software, because our main focus is on the quality of service. We had a difficult task.”

Another important criterion that Sauvegardez-Vous Solutions Technologiques had was an affordable price of a solution. The company serves to really small businesses like a car garage or a drug store. “They couldn’t believe that it can be inexpensive to keep data in the cloud. We wanted to prove it to them,” St-Amour added. The company considered Vembu StoreGrid and Ahsay. None of them appeared to be a suitable solution. “Vembu was bugging, and Ahsay simply didn’t meet the needs of the company.”


With MSP360 Managed Backup, Sauvegardez-Vous solutions technologiques finally managed to achieve the goals they set.

“The first thing that we noticed was a high quality of coding. No bugging software at each step like it was with StoreGrid of Vembu”.

The company was also able to easily change the language of the product to French and rebrand the solution.

Jean-Sébastien St-Amour also highlighted the following features that his company mostly benefits from:

  • Affordable price for an enterprise-grade solution. “The reliable backup solution by MSP360 met the price expectations of our clients while still offering an enterprise-grade backup service. That is a fantastic deal.”
  • Cloud storage provider of a client’s choice. “MSP360 gives you an option to use a cloud provider of your choice. I back up data directly to Amazon S3, one of the most reliable cloud storage. I trust them and I like their pricing.”
  • Monitoring and notifications. “I can’t live without them. I check backups on the web control panel every day. This is my major advantage,” St-Amour commented.
  • Excellent work by the support team. “In the beginning, I asked a lot of questions to understand the product and their support team was helpful. They also always take my suggestions to enhance the solution and I already see some of them implemented.”


A Québec based IT service company was looking for a reliable and affordable cloud backup solution that will introduce cloud to small businesses. After considering several products by Vembu and Ahsay, Jean-Sébastien St-Amour, IT Director of Sauvegardez-Vous Solutions Technologiques opted for MSP360 Managed Backup. St-Amour highlights the impressive quality of the software, as well as its efficient working support team. MSP360’s solution offers monitoring and remote management features that Sauvegardez-Vous Solutions Technologiques benefits from.

Most important is that the backup solution allows the company to choose Amazon S3 for their cloud storage. “MSP360 Managed Backup is a robust software. I rebranded it, changed its interface language to French and now it is one of the best services in my portfolio that will attract new clients,” IT Director of Sauvegardez-Vous Solutions Technologiques said.

MSP360 Managed Backup Service
  • Cross-platform backup and recovery
  • Flexible licensing
  • Bring-your-own storage approach
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