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Link Up Technologies Switches From iBackup to MSP360 to Increase Margin

Link Up Technologies Switches From iBackup to MSP360 to Increase Margin

“If it’s not reliable, then it’s not sellable. MSP360 fits the bill for both reliability and margin potential,” -- Manny Aguiar, President of Link Up Technologies

Business Challenge

In the context of a constantly evolving IT market, Link Up Technologies has a concrete goal to keep its service portfolio up-to-date. When it came to finding a high-quality cloud backup solution, it turned out to be not an easy task. “Our previous provider iBackup was a terrible headache. We needed a solution that wouldn’t be a constant hassle to deal with and was reliable”, said Manny Aguiar, president of Link Up Technologies. Reliability was the most important factor when the company was considering a new cloud backup solution to switch from iBackup.

Another challenge that Link Up Technologies experienced was that many backup companies that target MSPs have well-built products, but their pricing models made it impossible for the company to be competitive.

“We wanted to partner with a company that would nail both reliability and cost-efficiency,” Aguiar said.


Link Up Technologies considered several cloud backup solutions designed by SOS, Intronis and GFI Max Focus but opted for MSP360 Managed Backup. “MSP360 hits the nail on the head in all necessary areas for us and that is why we chose them”, Manny Aguiar commented.

The biggest difference that Link Up Technologies noticed after implementing MSP360’s managed backup solution was that now they were able to control where their data was stored. “We did not need to use cloud storage that other services forced us to use”.
Now Link Up Technologies is in charge of making such decisions and could choose suitable cloud storage from performance, security and pricing standpoints. With MSP360 Managed Backup, they are also able to use multiple cloud storage destinations with different clients and avoid single vendor lock-in. “We finally gained full control over all data we backup”, Manny Aguiar added. Other important features highlighted by Link Up Technologies were branding capabilities and an online access portal for customers.

With MSP360 Managed Backup, Link Up Technologies could now offer their clients an affordable backup solution for business matters and extend their client base while dropping their costs. “MSP360’s pricing was indeed tempting for us”, Aguiar noticed. Still, the quality of MSP360 service was determinative.

“Margin is always good, but the most important deciding factor was that their solution is reliable. If it’s not reliable, then it’s not sellable. MSP360 fits the bill for both reliability and margin potential”.


Link Up Technologies is a forward-looking IT services company whose service portfolio lacked a trusted solution for cloud backup. With MSP360 Managed Backup Service, they were able to solve this problem and switch from a poorly working iBackup to a reliable product. Due to the features that MSP360 offers, Link Up Technologies now chooses end-point storage for their clients themselves and have full control of all data they back up. The online access portal makes the solution truly easy-to-use. A good pricing model offered by MSP360 allows Link Up Technologies to create preferable margin, and drop costs while offering their clients a high-quality product. “Less headache and higher margins”, a verdict from Manny Aguiar, President of Link Up Technologies.

MSP360 Managed Backup Service
  • Cross-platform backup and recovery
  • Flexible licensing
  • Bring-your-own storage approach
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