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MSP360’s Response to COVID-19: A Message from CEO Brian Helwig

MSP360’s Response to COVID-19: A Message from CEO Brian Helwig

The whole world has changed due to the pandemic. Many companies are making their best to help others to withstand the impact. At MSP360 we are also developing a solution to help our customers. Read on for the official message from MSP360 CEO, Brian Helwig.

I stepped into my current role as the CEO of MSP360 a little more than a year ago. Since then, a lot has changed — not only with the company but the world around us. While much has changed, our strategic approach to delivering value to MSPs has remained the same — and we’re better for it.

Brian HelwigOur focus has always been on the needs of MSPs. We thrive only when our customers can consistently deliver results for their customers — it’s that simple. During this crisis, we’ll continue to provide our unwavering support to not only our customers but the MSP community.

But we’re offering more than just support to MSPs during these challenging times.

We’re providing them with options and letting them decide what’s best for them and their customers. Our goal during this crisis isn't to be a one-stop-shop for MSPs but another resource.

If you’re a customer of ours, you more than likely already know how we can help, but if you’re unfamiliar with us, there are several places where you can begin your journey with us.

First, we're offering free Managed Backup for Desktop licenses to MSPs. Here’s the deal: All new Windows desktops and Macs installed through April 30 are free for 90 days. After that, MSPs have the option to subscribe or opt-out of the software.

Second, MSP360 Connect, which allows MSPs to quickly and securely connect to remote computers and provide support, is free of charge to MSPs; it always has been.

Third, take advantage of the abundance of resources available on our website. We have blog posts, whitepapers, videos and webinars on a variety of topics. For instance, want to know how to optimize your MSP business for remote operation? We recently ran a webinar on the topic. The recording is available for free on our website.

In the coming weeks and months, we will continue to actively monitor COVID-19's impact on the MSP community and adjust our efforts accordingly.

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Even though nobody can predict what’s in store for the future, one thing is certain: This crisis will ultimately end.

What we do now will shape our future.

If there’s anything we can do for you, please feel free to email me.

Stay safe. Be well. Hang in there.

Brian Helwig

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