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MSP Voice Episode 47 – “Is Anybody a True MSP?” with Craig Pollack

MSP Voice Episode 47 – “Is Anybody a True MSP?” with Craig Pollack

Craig runs an MSP in the Los Angeles area and has been in business for 28 years. When they started out, FPA did Accounting systems, custom programming, and infrastructure support, now they basically just do infrastructure support (MSP). While FPA now has 25 staff members, Craig still does a majority of the sales and marketing.

FPA considers themselves as a high-end full-service boutique MSP with part of their credo being “Do more work for fewer clients (not a little bit of work for a lot of clients).” While successful now, Craig says he wishes he would have focused more on sales and marketing in early days. Listen to the full episode for more great advice from Craig.

Guest: Craig Pollack

Company: FPA Technology Services, Inc

All episodes can be found on,  YouTube (video) as well as popular podcast channels such as iTunesSoundCloud, and Anchor. You can also subscribe to new episodes via RSS Feed.

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