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Introducing Online Access 2.0 (Beta) in MSP360 Managed Backup

Introducing Online Access 2.0 (Beta) in MSP360 Managed Backup

Nowadays, a common challenge faced by MSPs is the time and effort invested in assisting clients with individual file and folder restoration. In this latest release, we are introducing Online Access 2.0 (Beta) that streamlines data management for MSPs and end-users.

User-Focused Solution

For MSPs, it is extremely important to provide seamless backup services and help their clients to independently navigate and restore their backup data without the need for direct assistance. This user-centric approach not only enhances the client experience but also streamlines the MSP's workflow. Also, this enhancement helps MSPs optimize resource allocation since they can redirect their efforts from routine file restoration to more strategic initiatives and serve a larger customer base more efficiently.

With Online Access 2.0 (Beta), end-users gain the autonomy to browse and restore specific files independently, saving crucial time and eliminating dependence on IT personnel for routine tasks. By offering direct access to backup data, MSP360 helps users to allocate their time and resources more efficiently and improves user experience.


Online Access 2.0 (Beta) significantly improves data management for MSPs and end-users. We hope these improvements will enhance your experience, offering you greater convenience and efficiency. We value your feedback and encourage you to share your thoughts on our forum, feedback portal, or via the contact form.

MSP360 Managed Backup.
Simple. Reliable.
Powerful cross-platform backup and disaster recovery that leverages the public cloud to enable a comprehensive data protection strategy.
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