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MSP360 Backup: Introducing Block-Level Backup for Large Files

MSP360 Backup: Introducing Block-Level Backup for Large Files
Please note that this article has been archived.
You might want to check out our newer article about block-level backup.
MSP360 Backup is a powerful Windows program that automates backup and restore processes to the cloud storage.
As always we are adding features to make it easier for our customers to use the functionality and the block-level backup has always been one of the sought after features. With the MSP360 Backup release 2.3 we are adding the functionality that will back up only the modified blocks of the files to the cloud storage making the overall backup process faster and more efficient.  Block-level backup is useful if you want to copy large files such as SQL Server Backup files, MS Exchange Database, Outlook PST files and virtual machine images.
To use the block-level backup feature in MSP360 Backup you should choose the Simple Mode in the Backup Wizard and check Use differential copy checkbox.
The beauty of the MSP360 Backup implementation is that you can access the files with any other tools and MSP360 Backup is the only client program available on the market that doesn't require any additional server software to process the modified blocks.
Limitation: there is one important limitation though. You can only use block level backup feature for the files > 5 GB. This is the current limitation of Amazon S3 copy API. Once this limitation is removed on the Amazon side MSP360 Backup will automatically support smaller files.
Note: If you use block-level backup encryption and versioning functionality is not available. In the future we are also going to add the block-level functionality to the advanced mode.
As always we would be happy to hear your feedback and you are welcome to post a comment.

What's Next

We are currently working on adding the block level functionality to the advanced mode that will not have a file size limitation and this functionality is expected to come out by the end of August 2011.
Note: this post applies to MSP360 Backup 2.3 and later.
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Alexander N
Alexander is the director of marketing at MSP360 and has been an important member of the company since its inception. He is an expert in IT marketing and has extensive knowledge of cloud storage services. Alexander cooperates with cloud vendors, MSPs, VARs and communicates the market needs and trends to our team.