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How to Rename Files and Folders in an Amazon S3 Bucket Using MSP360 Explorer

How to Rename Files and Folders in an Amazon S3 Bucket Using MSP360 Explorer

Sometimes you need to rename a file or a folder just like you do it on your local computer. Until recently Amazon didn’t offer rename support and the only way to rename an object we to upload the object with a new name and delete the old one.

Things changed recently with an introduction of copy enhancements that support objects, and we decided to take Amazon's lead and support copy files and folders in MSP360 Explorer for Amazon S3.

All you have to do is to select a file or folder you want to rename and click on the “Rename” button on the toolbar.

You can use the F2 keyboard standard hotkey tool. Now, type the new name and click ok. The file or folder will be renamed – as simple as that.

What If I Want to Rename a Bucket?

Unfortunately, there is no easy way to rename a bucket. The only possibility is to create a new bucket with the name you want and copy the contents of an old bucket to a new one. The good thing is that the transfer between buckets in the same geographical zone is free of charge and MSP360 Explorer has an option to copy files between buckets w/o downloading them to your local computer.

In future releases, we will try to automate this process as much as possible, but you have to keep in mind that renaming a bucket involves data movement and might take quite some time.
Alternatively, you can use an AMI EC2 machine specifically designed to rename buckets. Check out the Amazon Discussion forum thread – it contains a lot of useful information.

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