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How a Small MSP Caters to Unique Client Needs with MSP360

How a Small MSP Caters to Unique Client Needs with MSP360

For many MSPs, the ability to be flexible, and to cater to each client’s unique requirements, is essential for business success. Every customer is different, and each one may require different services and tools.

The need to be flexible and adaptable was one of the factors that drove XTK Systems, an MSP based in Pennsylvania, to adopt MSP360 Backup. With MSP360, XTK Systems has been able to tailor its backup and recovery services to meet each of its clients’ unique requirements – while also saving money, thanks to MSP360’s low licensing costs.

The Need for Flexible, Storage-Agnostic Backup

XTK Systems, which was founded in 1999, provides managed IT services to dozens of businesses in Pennsylvania. It manages backups for about 100 computers and servers, and it handles about 40 terabytes of total backup data.

Most of the company’s clients are small businesses with bespoke IT infrastructures and unique data backup needs. They are also spread across several verticals and industries, which means they have varying requirements to meet regarding how and where backup data is stored.

Both of these factors – the need to support small businesses with unique IT infrastructures, and to cater to varying market verticals – are the reasons ‌XTK Systems required a flexible, adaptable backup tool to serve as the foundation for its managed data backup and recovery services. The company needed a cloud storage provider to host backup data, and it wanted a backup tool that was flexible and customizable, so that backup scripts and schedules could easily align with its clients' special needs.

As a small-sized MSP, XTK Systems also placed a priority on cost-effective backup solutions. In order to maintain a healthy profit margin, the company needed to be sure it was not overpaying for backup software and not being restricted to a specific data storage channel, in order to ensure the most cost-effective storage for its needs.

Scalable, Cost-Efficient Microsoft 365 Backups with MSP360

XTK Systems solved both challenges by adopting MSP360 Backup. With MSP360, XTK Systems is able to use any cloud storage solution to host backup data. It currently relies primarily on Google Cloud and Backblaze for storage, but it takes comfort in knowing that it can easily migrate to other storage solutions if more cost-effective options appear, or if it needs to support clients who require specific backup hosting configurations.

With MSP360, “we can pick the cloud provider, and we can tailor any other number of variables for backup processes,” said Tom Kennedy, owner of XTK Systems.

As for cost-effectiveness, MSP360 delivers to XTK Systems’ needs in that category, too. It offers lower overall pricing and more flexible licensing than other backup providers, Tom Kennedy said, adding that MSP360 also doesn’t charge extra fees for add-on features. Instead, all the functionality that XTK Systems needs is available out of the box, under the standard license.

“MSP360 is easy to set up, very cost-effective and the onboarding process was great,” according to Tom Kennedy.

With MSP360, XTK has been able to achieve “excellent” profit margins for its managed backup and recovery services, said Tom. The platform “provides a tremendous amount of value at a low cost.”

Focused on the Future

Although MSP360 Backup is meeting XTK Systems’ needs well in its current form, the company looks forward to additional features that MSP360 will unveil in the future.

“We love the updates and upgrades” of MSP360, Tom Kennedy said.

As an example of a feature enhancement that provided extensive value to the company, Tom pointed to MSP360’s introduction of support for exporting Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace data to Personal Storage Table (PST) format. The feature “revolutionizes email backup,” Tom Kennedy said, “because prior to having that as an option, you had to restore it to an email box. And for people that have large email boxes, that’s very difficult to do. So, to go directly to a PST changes the whole game.”

MSP360's record of continuously introducing new features is what attracts MSPs like XTK Systems and builds a long-lasting relationship between backup solution providers and IT professionals, like Tom. While flexibility and low costs were the factors that drove the company to choose MSP360 in the first place, Tom said, “We are sticking with [MSP360 Backup] because you're constantly adding things and making your platform better every year.”

MSP360 Managed Backup.
Simple. Reliable.
Powerful cross-platform backup and disaster recovery that leverages the public cloud to enable a comprehensive data protection strategy.
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