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MSP360 Explorer: Import/Export Program Settings

MSP360 Explorer: Import/Export Program Settings

As always we are adding features to make it easier for our customers to use the functionality to offer the most compelling Amazon S3, CloudFront, and IAM client on Windows platform.

In the new release, we are adding quite some enhancements to the Import / Export program settings functionality that you can find in Files | Export menu.
In this release we are adding an ability to export:

    1. Upload Rules (PRO edition only)
    2. Favorite Folders
    3. All other S3-compatible account settings (Only Amazon S3 before)

The same applies to the Files | Import option

Note: this post applies to MSP360 Explorer 3.2.5 and later.
As always we would be happy to hear your feedback and you are welcome to post a comment.
MSP360 S3 Explorer is a Windows product that helps to manage Amazon S3 storage and CloudFront.
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