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Network design guide

Local, Cloud and Hybrid Network: Which One Should You Opt to?

Local, Cloud and Hybrid Network: Which One Should You Opt to?

Historically, networks were always local. They were built on locally installed and managed equipment. This starts with a router that is accessible and managed from the local network, and that extends to physical servers and client workstations. Under these local arrangements, files were saved on local workstations and file servers, and data was backed up locally. Continue reading

Linux Server Hardening Guide

Linux Server Hardening: Best Practices

Linux Server Hardening: Best Practices

There’s a common misconception out there today: Linux is safe - Windows is not. This simply isn’t true. While there may be more vulnerabilities and risks out there for Windows operating systems - our ways of looking at this need to change. Instead of looking at the chances of risk, a more binary approach needs to be taken. Continue reading