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lan systems success story

LAN Systems Chooses MSP360 to Avoid Hidden Fees and Usability Issues

LAN Systems Chooses MSP360 to Avoid Hidden Fees and Usability Issues

When you’re choosing software to build a managed backup service, be sure to look out for hidden fees. That’s the takeaway from the story of LAN Systems, a midsize MSP based in the Atlanta, Georgia area that struggled with unexpected costs in its initial backup solution, prior to switching to MSP360 Managed Backup.

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ITSM for MSPs: Guide to IT Service Management

ITSM for MSPs: Guide to IT Service Management

ITSM for MSPs: Guide to IT Service Management

IT service management, or ITSM for short, is a strategic approach to optimizing and improving IT service company strategy, goals, objectives, and processes to maximize the quality of the service provided to the customer. This approach is popular among managed service providers who target bigger clients with more advanced IT needs and demands, or those whose aim is to build a flawless and streamlined service.

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MSP University - Business

An MSP Service Stack for Landing Bigger Clients

An MSP Service Stack for Landing Bigger Clients

One-man-show managed IT providers sometimes consider big clients to be milk cows for their business. Indeed, the bigger the customer, the bigger the MRR you get, which allows you to enhance processes, hire people, and, in the long run, prosper. However, bigger clients typically have complex needs. They will demand stricter SLAs, more thought-through operations, and higher-end services.
In this article, we will discuss the services that are valued by medium and enterprise-level businesses that MSPs need to focus on.

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MSP University - Business

MSPs’ Key Tactics to Reach Bigger Clients

MSPs’ Key Tactics to Reach Bigger Clients

So, you feel like it's time to grow your managed IT business to the next level. Your operations are sublime, your services all form a perfect stack, you onboard new clients with ease, and they are excited about how you do your services and praise you month after month. It's time to meet bigger clients and bigger MRRs but, as time passes, you still don't land any that are significantly bigger than your typical lead.

In this article, we will define key tactics to reaching bigger clients and best practices for other MSP sales processes while you are striving towards bigger MRR.

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selling msp services with a cloud-first approach in mind

Selling MSP Services with a Cloud-First Approach in Mind

Selling MSP Services with a Cloud-First Approach in Mind

If you’re an MSP who has decided to take a cloud-first approach to managed services, you know the value of cloud-based offerings.

But that doesn’t mean your prospective clients will recognize the value of the cloud-based managed services that you may choose to offer. For that reason, it’s critical to develop a sales strategy that clearly communicates why customers should choose the cloud-first managed services that you offer over traditional alternatives.

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Cloud-First Approach Benefits

Best Practices to Develop a Cloud-First Approach and Increase Margins

Best Practices to Develop a Cloud-First Approach and Increase Margins

The IT industry has shifted toward a cloud-centric model over the past decade. But many MSPs have not. To a degree, that makes sense. Many of the managed services that MSPs deliver aren’t obvious candidates for disruption by cloud computing. An MSP who sets up and manages workstations or local services may not seem to have much to gain from cloud computing, for example.

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