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How to Create a Website for Free Using Amazon Web Services

How to Create a Website for Free Using Amazon Web Services

Creating a website used to be a laborious and costly effort back in the day. Registering a domain, arranging hosting, and configuring DNS settings were usually done through different companies, which made it difficult and time-consuming to create a website from scratch. Those days are thankfully over, as companies like Amazon now offer comprehensive functionality when it comes to creating and maintaining a website. Continue reading

MSP360 Standalone Backup

Taking Advantage of Web Access for macOS & Linux in MSP360 Backup

Taking Advantage of Web Access for macOS & Linux in MSP360 Backup

It's been a few months since we introduced MSP360 Backup 2.1 for macOS & Linux that brought support for Web Access — a feature that enables you to use a web-based user-interface for the app. So in this article we'll demonstrate how to enable Web Access and use it to perform regular operations.
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MSP360 Standalone Backup

Allocating MSP360 Backup VM socket licenses

Allocating MSP360 Backup VM socket licenses

MSP360 Backup VM edition by default comes with two processor socket licenses included, meaning that you can only backup your virtual machines from tte hypervisor that has no more than two physical processors. If your hypervisor incorporates three or more physical processors, you'll have to purchase an extra processor socket license for each processor. In this article we will explain how to purchase said socket licenses and attach them to your main MSP360 Backup VM edition license.

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