Like many things in life, reading is oftentimes low on our priority lists, but it shouldn’t be, especially if you’re an MSP owner who’s looking to generate new business.
Of course, we’d all like to read more, but for some reason or another, we can’t find the time in our daily schedules to read a few pages of a book here and there.
We’re too busy with running our businesses, raising our children, and binge-watching our favorite Netflix shows.
Many of us know we should read more but why and what?
Under Too Much Stress?
Being your own boss isn't always everything it's cracked up to be (as you well know).
It’s glorified everywhere we turn in our society, especially on social media platforms, but as with anything else in life, there are highs and lows. What separates you from your peers in the industry is how you handle the additional burdens of being a business owner.
For instance, since starting your business, you’ve probably had more stress in your life, which is how many business owners feel. (If you feel like this, too, you might also want to check a few tips for MSPs on how to avoid burnout.)
Running a business can be extremely stressful, especially when it’s something you’ve never done it before and are doing your best to figure out things in the beginning. In fact, many entrepreneurs rank the stresses of running a business higher than certain high-stress family situations.
Take raising children, for example. Entrepreneurs are more stressed about running their businesses than raising their children, according to the spring 2017 Bank of America Business Advantage Small Business Owner Report; however, if you’re an avid reader, there’s some good news.
Reading can reduce stress levels by as much as 68 percent, according to a 2009 study conducted by the University of Sussex in the United Kingdom. In addition to reducing stress levels, reading can also help prevent memory loss.
To reduce your stress level related to your MSP marketing efforts, we created these templates for you to help you sell backup services, including a promo email, customer presentation, and a leaflet:

Why Can’t I Remember Anything?
Having a good memory can give you a huge advantage in business. Like life in general, in business, there are names, figures, people, and events to remember. The better memory you have, the more likely you’ll be able to think on your feet when the time comes, which will not only help you with operating your business but impress your clients in the long run.
While there are plenty of known ways to improve your memory — including exercising regularly, getting enough sleep and maintaining a healthy diet — when it comes to memory, reading can do wonders for your mind.
Published in Neurology, the American Academy of Neurology’s medical journal, a 2014 study revealed the following: People who heavily participate in mentally stimulating activities, including reading magazines and books, have slower rates of memory decline compared to individuals who don’t engage in such activities.
In other words: If you want to stay on top of your game as you age, read — but be selective.
The List: Books Every MSP Owner Should read
To run a successful MSP business, as you know, you must understand not only the technology but business. While MSP owners are skilled in the former, the latter is where they typically need help.
The following books provide MSP owners with guidance on building a successful managed service practice, perfecting the art of customer service, and establishing a customer-centric culture:
- "Managed Services” in a Month by Karl W. Palachuk.
- “Be Our Guest” by The Disney Institute and Theodore Kinni.
- “Ready, Fire, Aim: Zero to $100 Million in No Time Flat” by Michael Materson.
- “This Is Service Design Doing: Applying Service Design Thinking in the Real World” by Markus Edgar Hormess, Adam Lawrence, and Jakob Schneider.
Even though the above list is a short one, the items on it can significantly change the way you conduct business for the better.
Now you know our book recommendations for MSP owners.
What are yours?