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How to Use MSP360 Explorer with Amazon S3 Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

How to Use MSP360 Explorer with Amazon S3 Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

AWS Multi-Factor Authentication (AWS MFA) is an additional layer of security that offers enhanced control over your AWS account settings. It is an opt-in account feature that requires a valid six-digit, single-use code from an authentication device in your physical possession in addition to your standard AWS account credentials before access is granted to your AWS account settings. Continue reading

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How to Improve Amazon S3 Data Protection Using Cross-Region Replication

How to Improve Amazon S3 Data Protection Using Cross-Region Replication

By default, Amazon S3 stores multiple copies of your data inside different facilities within one AWS Region. In case of region-level disaster like tornado, flood or earthquake all these facilities will experience outage and despite all precautions your crucial data may be lost. Consequences are catastrophic, especially in case of user-generated content that can’t be easily reproduced.

This article explains how to Configure Cross-Region Replication between buckets in different AWS Regions to achieve region-level data protection. Continue reading

CloudBerry Backup featured image

How to Switch to Another Edition in MSP360 Backup

How to Switch to Another Edition in MSP360 Backup

As you know MSP360 Backup comes with a single installer in which you can choose an edition that meets your requirements: Desktop, Server, Ultimate and other. Learn more at MSP360 Backup editions.

We always suggest to start with a 15-day trial that allows you to evaluate the product and make a decision as to which edition is your right choice.

This post explains how to switch from one edition to another. Continue reading

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CloudBerry Drive featured image

Amazon S3 Transfer Acceleration in MSP360 Drive

Amazon S3 Transfer Acceleration in MSP360 Drive

Note: this post applies to MSP360 Drive 2.3 and later.

Amazon S3 Transfer Acceleration is a built-in feature of Amazon S3. When enabled, it speeds up data transfer to Amazon S3 bucket to up to 6 times. MSP360 Drive natively supports that feature. Further, we are going to explain how to enable Amazon S3 Transfer Acceleration in MSP360 Drive. Continue reading

CloudBerry Backup featured image

How to Encrypt File Names Using MSP360 Backup

How to Encrypt File Names Using MSP360 Backup

MSP360 Backup is a powerful cross-platform solution that enables you to automate backup and restore processes to various cloud storage services.

In the latest release, we are introducing an option to encrypt file and folder names in the cloud storage for enhanced security. To enable this option, simply select the Encrypt filenames checkbox on the Encryption and Compression step of the Backup Wizard. Continue reading

AWS vs Azure vs Google Cloud

Compare AWS, Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud for Backup

Compare AWS, Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud for Backup

Cloud users typically choose a multi-vendor approach for their data backup and storage tasks. Using different solutions leads to more flexibility and often allows to cut overall expenditures. Azure, AWS, and Google are among the world's top providers of cloud storage services, so it is important to know about their differences in order to choose the right vendor for each particular need.
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