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How to Control Your Bandwidth Using MSP360 Explorer for Amazon S3

How to Control Your Bandwidth Using MSP360 Explorer for Amazon S3

In this article you will learn how to control your bandwidth while working with MSP360 Explorer for Amazon S3.  This might be helpful when you are actively working on the internet, surfing the website, sending and receiving email messages, etc while uploading/downloading files to Amazon S3. Continue reading

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Data Transfer to AWS: Amazon S3 Transfer Acceleration vs Amazon Snowball

Data Transfer to AWS: Amazon S3 Transfer Acceleration vs Amazon Snowball

While having a timely created backup is essential, the ease and speed of its retrieval is also a major concern. This task often requires special tools, especially when the backup data are stored on a geographically distant server which takes a long time to answer the requests.  We are going to describe some Amazon features that would help.
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move ec2 to different region

Moving EC2 Instance to a Different Availability Zone, VPC, Region

Moving EC2 Instance to a Different Availability Zone, VPC, Region

Moving Amazon EC2 instance to another Availability Zone, VPC or AWS Region may result in a headache for administrators, who think that it is a must to stop the existing and brand a new instance each time. If it’s a production instance, the interruption disrupts the working process and leads to the significant money/time losses. So, do you really have to migrate all the data manually? Continue reading

Azure VM vs Amazon EC2 vs Google CE: Cloud Computing Comparison

Azure VM vs Amazon EC2 vs Google CE: Cloud Computing Comparison

If you look for a cloud VM infrastructure, there are 3 biggest cloud systems available: Amazon Elastic Cloud 2, Google Compute Engine and Microsoft Azure Virtual Machines. Since it’s still hard to choose the right one, we are going to explain key differences to make the choice easier.
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AWS CloudWatch: What Is It?

AWS CloudWatch: What Is It?

You probably already use the built-in report to monitor instance usage peaks. In the same time, it’s not unusual for developers to be unaware of AWS CloudWatch and its’ ability to collect metrics over major AWS tools, including Amazon EC2 performance and loads, send notifications via Amazon SNS, initiate auto-scaling or other actions in response to different events on schedule-basis and store instance logs.
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