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How to Use Amazon S3 Server Side Encryption with MSP360 Explorer for Amazon S3

How to Use Amazon S3 Server Side Encryption with MSP360 Explorer for Amazon S3

Amazon S3 Server Side Encryption (SSE) provides you with the ability to encrypt data stored at rest in Amazon S3. With Amazon S3 SSE, you can encrypt data on upload simply by adding an additional request header when writing the object to Amazon S3. Decryption happens automatically when data is retrieved. MSP360 Explorer For Amazon S3, starting from version 3.0, comes with a full support for Amazon S3 Server Side Encryption.
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Your Computer Clocks Are Not Synchronized Error

Your Computer Clocks Are Not Synchronized Error

One of the common errors that Amazon S3 users come across is "The difference between the requested time and the current time is too large" or "Your computer clocks are not synchronized". This error often occurs when your computer clock is not synchronized properly. Amazon returns an error code if the request doesn't come in a certain time interval.
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How to Create Subaccounts and Share Buckets Using IAM and MSP360 Explorer for Amazon S3

How to Create Subaccounts and Share Buckets Using IAM and MSP360 Explorer for Amazon S3

Identity and Access Management (IAM) is a service that allows creating user accounts inside the master account and grants those account a set of permissions. MSP360 Explorer PRO comes with full support for IAM service and you can learn more about that in our previous blog post.

In this blog post, we will look into the very common scenario of creating a subaccount within the master account and granting it permissions to create a bucket. This might be useful if you, for instance, work with freelancers and want them to be able to work with the content in their own bucket.
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