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Cloud Backup vs Backup to Tape

Cloud Managed Backup vs Backup to Tape: Pros and Cons

Cloud Managed Backup vs Backup to Tape: Pros and Cons

To support business continuity at the appropriate level has become crucial nowadays, even a few hours of downtime may result in heavy business impact and financial loss. The cloud-managed backup procedure plays a vital role as it allows any business to quickly restore the lost files as if nothing had happened. Continue reading

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Tips for MSP: How to Improve your Customers Upload/Download Speed

Tips for MSP: How to Improve your Customers Upload/Download Speed

There is nothing more annoying to a client than their internet speeds suddenly slowing down when carrying out critical business functions online. That is the moment that they will turn to you (their MSP) with feelings of frustration and expect that you sort out the issue within the shortest time possible. Continue reading

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Open-Source Object Storage. Comparison of Solutions

Open-Source Object Storage Solutions Review

Open-Source Object Storage Solutions Review

Looking for an open-source storage solution that combines the convenience of file systems with the scalability and performance of block storage? If so, open-source object storage solutions are the answer.

This article discusses and compares the offerings of several object storage vendors in the open-source space. Continue reading

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