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Announcing the MSP360™ Forum!

Announcing the MSP360™ Forum!

Since I started here at MSP360 one of the questions I kept asking was “why don’t we have our own forum?” The answer was that we used to have a forum several years ago but that was before we had a lot of customers. Participation was low and it wasn’t deemed as a necessary resource at the time so the forum was closed. Continue reading

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Backup Encryption

Backup Encryption Options Demystified

Backup Encryption Options Demystified

Encryption is everywhere:  On your storage, on your network, over the Internet, and in the cloud. Encryption is about protecting your data from those who might otherwise use it to cause harm. It protects you from those who bypass security to access data within your organization, illegal access from outside, and provides protection for compliance. Your live data is the lifeblood of your organization and your backups protect your live data by letting you restore misplaced, damaged, stolen, or incorrectly edited data with versions that keep the business running. Continue reading

Amazon S3 Logging

How to Improve Security of S3 Buckets Using S3 Access Logs

How to Improve Security of S3 Buckets Using S3 Access Logs

Imagine the situation: you browse your Amazon S3 bucket and suddenly discover that some files are missing. Since Amazon S3 offers high durability, it leaves almost no chance for these files to disappear due to a system failure or disaster. Apparently, they were deleted by a user. How to find out who did that? Continue reading

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