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IAM Permissions in the Cloud

Managing IAM Permissions in the Cloud

Managing IAM Permissions in the Cloud

All of the major public clouds offer identity and access management (IAM) tools. The exact nature of the various cloud IAM tools varies, however. So do their names. This article clarifies that issue by comparing the identity and access management tools and frameworks associated with each of the three major public clouds -- AWS, Azure, and Google. Continue reading

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MSP Voice Episode 12: Ryan Day from ITR America

MSP Voice Episode 12: Ryan Day from ITR America

In this episode, Doug interviews Ryan Day from ITR America. ITR is not an MSP company but a seller/supplier of parts for heavy equipment. Ryan had to transition ITR from a disparate IT operation to one that operates like an MSP. Ryan uses many of the same tools any MSP would. We also discuss downtime and how Ryan has set up his infrastructure to minimize downtime and save the company money.

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SQL Server 2008 Backup Guide

SQL Server 2008 Backup Guide

Microsoft SQL Server 2008 is still one of the most popular corporate database engines, and it has a lot of backup types supported. Let’s briefly remember all of these backup types and find out how to perform the most useful ones. After reading this post, you will know how to backup a database in SQL Server 2008 using query language or SQL Server Management Studio GUI. Continue reading

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