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MSP Voice Episode 20 – “How do you CRM?” with Florian Militaru

MSP Voice Episode 20 – “How do you CRM?” with Florian Militaru

This week I talk to Florian Militaru who owns PRO in the Chicago area. Florian came to the US from Romania and started his business in 2003. PRO focuses on residential, break-fix and even some managed services. To run his business, Florian started working with an open source CRM solution, SuiteCRM, and has developed modules that connect to multiple systems and is now his PSA. While not for everyone, developing your own solutions based on open source can save you a lot of money! Continue reading

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MSP Voice Episode 19 – Bart Barcewicz

MSP Voice Episode 19 – Bart Barcewicz

MSP Voice Episode 19 with Bart Barcewicz

October is national cybersecurity month so this week’s guest is Bart Barcewicz from B Suite Cyber Security. Bart and Doug Hazelman discuss security practices in general as well as some things you need to do to make sure you and your customers are secure. Bart also shares some great advice for starting out: “if you want something you’ve never had, you’re going to have to do something you’ve never done Continue reading

SQL Server Automatic Backup

Microsoft SQL Server Backup Automation

Microsoft SQL Server Backup Automation

The backup routine for MS SQL Server includes various repetitive tasks that require a lot of time and attention. Fortunately, there are built-in Microsoft SQL Server tools that can automate many of these steps and simplify your daily routine. This article discusses those built-in tools, while also showing how to use MSP360 software for MS SQL Server automatic backup.

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Windows Server Backup Multiple Schedules

How to Сreate Multiple Backup Schedules in Windows Server

How to Сreate Multiple Backup Schedules in Windows Server

Multiple backup schedules are used in most backup infrastructures to make backup processes flexible and efficient. You can, for example, configure separate backup schedules for the whole server backup and just one SQL database. However, built-in Windows Server Backup does not allow this to be accomplished via its GUI. Continue reading

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MSP360 Backup Supports 8 New Regions in Azure Archive Storage

MSP360 Backup Supports 8 New Regions in Azure Archive Storage

Azure Archive Storage is an archive tier of Microsoft Azure Blob Storage in addition to hot and cool tiers. It is designed to help organizations reduce their storage costs by storing rarely accessed data in a lowest-priced tier. Microsoft offers an industry leading price point for archiving data (0.2 cents per GB/month). Continue reading

SQL Server Table Backup

How to Back Up a Table in Microsoft SQL Server

How to Back Up a Table in Microsoft SQL Server

Table-level backup is one of the most rarely used data protection types in Microsoft SQL Server. However, SQL Server table backup is important in certain scenarios; for example, you may need to copy data into one single table in order to perform a data export or migration, or as part of a disaster recovery plan.

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MSP360 Attends the ASCII IT Success Summit in NJ/NY

MSP360 Attends the ASCII IT Success Summit in NJ/NY

This week, Doug Hazelman and David Gugick are representing MSP360 at the ASCII Summit in the NY/NJ metropolitan area. The ASCII IT Success Summits target MSP360 core audience: Managed Service Providers. The speakers educate on how to be successful as an MSP, while the sponsors educate on products and offer insights on expanding MSP service offerings. For MSP360, we specifically discuss backup-as-a-service using our unique bring-your-own storage BaaS model. Continue reading

Office 365 Hybrid Migration

Office 365 Hybrid Migration

Office 365 Hybrid Migration

Many organizations decide to skip the expense of maintaining an on-premises Exchange server and migrate to Office 365, which offloads the server to the Microsoft cloud (see all the reasons why it's time to perform Exchange to Office 365 migration). Once that decision has been made, the next step is to decide on the type of migration. In this article, we will overview the main types of Exchange cloud migration. Continue reading

IAM Identities

AWS Security Part 1: ACLs vs Bucket Policies vs IAM

AWS Security Part 1: ACLs vs Bucket Policies vs IAM

To use Amazon S3 effectively, you need to be aware of the security mechanisms provided by AWS to control your S3 resources. This is the first part in a three-part series on S3 security. In this part, we will discuss the three different access control tools provided by AWS to manage your S3 resources. Continue reading

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