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Resize Amazon Volume

How to Resize an Amazon Elastic Block Store Volume

How to Resize an Amazon Elastic Block Store Volume

Reaching a capacity limit in Amazon Elastic Block Storage (EBS)? Need more IOPS for an app or web-service? Due to its design, Amazon EBS doesn’t allow to scale the volume size dynamically or extend volume IOPS. If a user needs more space, he has to buy another Amazon EBS volume and then spend hours to backup data from the original volume, verify its consistency and then restore on the new one.

This article is a step-by-step guide on how to use AWS built-in features to easily resize the Amazon EBS volume.
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MSP Voice Episode 26 – “Hospitality as a Vertical” with Krunal Patel

MSP Voice Episode 26 – “Hospitality as a Vertical” with Krunal Patel

Krunal is in the UK and he and his company support the hospitality industry (hotels, coffee shops, etc). They’ve been in business since 2009 after Krunal saw some opportunities to consolidate IT services for hotels and retail outlets and provide a one stop shop. Since many hotels are owned by a franchisee Krunal and his team have carved out a great niche for their company.
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Microsoft Azure Blob Storage Lifecycle Management

Microsoft Azure Blob Storage Lifecycle Management

One of the highly anticipated features in MSP360 Backup 5.9.4 is support for Microsoft Azure Blob Storage lifecycle management. At the time of this post, Microsoft is making this feature available as a public preview. Lifecycle policies allow you to automatically transition blobs to a cooler storage tier (Hot to Cool, Hot to Archive, or Cool to Archive) to optimize medium and long-term storage costs.

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MSP Voice Episode 25 - "Technology Success"

MSP Voice Episode 25 - "Technology Success"

Doug is the founder and CEO of Brightworks Group. Brightworks has been in business for 7 years and they consider themselves at technology success providers. While similar to an MSP, Brightworks Group works with a unique set of customers focused in the high end financial and private equity services.  Continue reading

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