We’re thrilled to share that MSP360 Backup has been reviewed by PCMag, one of the most trusted names in tech reviews, and has earned an impressive 4.0 (Excellent) rating! This recognition validates our continuous efforts to enhance MSP360 Backup and deliver a top-tier backup solution for MSPs and businesses. Continue reading
SQL Server Database Restore with MSP360
MSP360 Backup supports backup and restore of Microsoft SQL Server databases. The product integrates with Microsoft SQL Server's built-in backup and restore mechanisms, provides SQL Server compression, and offers flexible scheduling, among a range of other useful options.
In this article, we’ll discuss how to restore SQL Server databases using MSP360’s solution. For instructions on the backup process, please refer to our article “SQL Server Database Backup.”
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How You Can Use AWS Free Tier — Cloud Compute
Cloud computing has triggered a sea change in how application development is done. Amazon Web Services, or AWS, is the leader in the cloud computing space and provides computing infrastructure for many of the largest companies in the world. Continue reading
MSP Voice Episode 29 – “Prescription For Success” With Bart Rogacewicz
BestRX is an MSP/Software company who supports independent pharmacies across the US. Typically when we think of a pharmacy we think of the big ones like CVS and Walmart but there’s actually a number of independent pharmacies all over the US. Continue reading
Windows Server 2003 Image-Based Backup
In this article, you will find an overview of Windows Server 2003 backup and recovery options using either the built-in NTBackup tool (backup app for Windows 2000, Windows XP and Windows Server 2003. Continue reading
Cryptojacking: How to Detect and Avoid
Modern hackers now look to take advantage of the mining boom by building malware that can hijack one or more systems and remotely use the hardware for financial gain. Such attacks are known as cryptojacking and continue to affect more and more internet users. Continue reading
MSP Voice Episode 28 – “MSP Pioneer” with Tim Shea
Tim has been an MSP Pioneer since the 90’s. After leaving a value-added reseller in 1991 Tim started his own company because he saw the future in network services. In 1996 Tim and his partner realized that they need to provide their services for a fixed fee...hence pioneering the managed services model. Continue reading
My Retention Settings for File Backups
I work at MSP360, but I'm also an MSP360 Backup user. Like many of you, I need to protect both my work and my personal files, but I have different needs for each when it comes to what I need to be able to restore. What follows are my preferred retention settings for work and personal backups. Continue reading
Introducing MSP360 Backup Admin 1.1 for iOS
It's been almost three months since we have released MSP360 Backup Admin for iOS which lets MBS providers track their user's backup activity. We've received great feedback so far and today we're excited to bring you the first update to the app — release 1.1.
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Introducing MSP360 Connect (Formerly Remote Desktop) 2.0
A year and a half after the initial release, MSP360 Connect receives its first major update. In release 2.0, we're bringing you the highly-anticipated direct connection option as well as several other features and improvements.
MSP Voice Episode 27 – “Learn More With MSP” with John Watkins
John Watkins, who is an engineer by heart, started right out of high school in IT and later teamed up with a local break-fix shop that had multiple locations in the Tampa Bay area. After about 3 years they transition to full MSP and have been growing steadily ever since. As John says, “You’ll never learn more than working for an MSP”. Continue reading
AWS Re:Invent 2018 Recap. All About S3
During re:Invent 2018, Amazon Web Services has announced a number of features and updates for its services. In this article, we have collected and overviewed features, related to Amazon S3 storage and it’s classes. Continue reading