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SQL Server Backup to S3

Backing Up SQL Server Databases to Amazon S3

Backing Up SQL Server Databases to Amazon S3

If you run Microsoft SQL Server, you may wish to back up your databases to a cloud like Amazon Web Services (AWS). Doing so not only provides you with a virtually infinite amount of backup storage space in the cloud, but it can also make recovery easy in cases where you decide to restore your database using a cloud-based server.

In this article, we explain the main options available to backup SQL Server to Amazon S3. In particular, we’ll discuss backing up your data manually from a SQL Server database into S3, backing up data to AWS RDS and, finally, how to perform an image-based backup with the help of MSP360 Backup.
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AWS Free Tier Cloud Messaging

How You Can Use AWS Free Tier: SQS, SNS, SES

How You Can Use AWS Free Tier: SQS, SNS, SES

This is the third in a three-part series covering the Amazon Web Services (AWS) free tier. In our previous articles, we reviewed the free tier for the AWS compute and database offerings. In this article, you will learn about the messaging options provided by AWS. We will cover Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS), Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS), and Amazon Simple Email Service (SES). Continue reading

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Microsoft Azure vs Amazon S3 Data Transfer Pricing Comparison

Microsoft Azure vs Amazon S3 Data Transfer Pricing Comparison

Microsoft Azure vs Amazon S3 Data Transfer Pricing Comparison

Bandwidth and data transfer pricing can have a significant cost on your cloud-computing bill. And unlike the basic pricing of cloud-computing instances, data transfer costs on clouds like Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Azure can be difficult to compare, because each cloud provider uses a somewhat different model for data transfer pricing. Continue reading

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MSP Voice Episode 34 – “MSP Franchise” with Rick Porter

MSP Voice Episode 34 – “MSP Franchise” with Rick Porter

Rick has been an entrepreneur all his life, starting a DJ business when he was just 16. He found motivation in the US military and then worked for a technology company for a few years before founding Cinch I.T. in 2004. Cinch started off as break/fix but transitioned to MSP soon after. Cinch has been growing ever since and has won numerous awards. Rick is now taking that success and looking to grow by offering franchise opportunities across the country. Continue reading

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MSP Voice Episode 33 – “Monthly Recurring Relationships”

MSP Voice Episode 33 – “Monthly Recurring Relationships”

My interview with Bob Coppedge of Simplex-IT went a little longer than normal, mostly because we were having a great conversation and Bob is a great guy to interview. While Bob is focusing on the business and not “in the business” he has built a successful MSP that has been around for about 11 years. Continue reading

VPN data leaks protection

How to Check Your VPN for Data Leaks

How to Check Your VPN for Data Leaks

Just a few short years ago, virtual private networks (VPNs) were a novel technology to the masses. The advanced security and anonymity they offered were only for paranoids and dissidents. Fast forward to today’s internet with its daily headlines of massive data breaches, government snooping, and a Dark Web with an endless appetite for your personal information. Continue reading

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