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Firing a customer

Think It’s Time to Fire a Client? Here’s What You Must Know

Think It’s Time to Fire a Client? Here’s What You Must Know

While it’s not always easy, ending a relationship with a client is sometimes necessary to continue growing your business. Many managed IT providers delay firing customers to avoid uncomfortable conversations; however, the longer they wait to speak to clients about canceling agreements, the more difficult the discussion will be for both parties involved — so act sooner than later. Continue reading

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MSP Voice Episode 64 “Marketing with your Peers” with Esther Deutsch

MSP Voice Episode 64 “Marketing with your Peers” with Esther Deutsch

This week I am joined by Esther Deutsch from RCS Professional Services in New York City. Esther is the Operations Manager at RCS and she gives some great insights into her role and also about a peer group she’s forming aimed at MSP marketing professionals (more information on that down below). Continue reading

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MSP Voice Episode 63 – “A Family Affair” with Nancy Sabino

MSP Voice Episode 63 – “A Family Affair” with Nancy Sabino

This week’s guest is Nancy Sabino with SabinoCompTech out of Houston, TX. Nancy is the CEO and co-founder of SabinoCompTech, her husband, Angle, is the other co-founder and also the COO. Their getting started story is very interesting and they even feature it on their website. In business now for 10 years, Nancy says they’re basically on version 3.0 of their company after some trial and error (and changing business models). They’re now a full-service MSP serving several verticals.
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Real-Time Backup Functionality is at Your Service

Real-Time Backup Functionality is at Your Service

MSP360 Backup's new real-time backup feature, called Near Continuous Data Protection (Near CDP), has been released! We warmly thank everyone who took the survey and shared their feedback with us to help create this feature.

Over the past few months, we have carefully studied our customers' use cases and started a work scope to improve the real-time backup feature. Now, the fruits of that work are ready to use.

Previously, using the Real-Time Backup feature was not recommended, but times have changed. The following issues have been worked out and solved:

  • Shared folders
  • NAS storage
  • Microsoft Office files.

The updated functionality has already been released within the latest version of MSP360 Backup for Windows. To learn more about the changes, read this blog post.

5 Critical Cybersecurity Tips for SMBs in 2019

5 Critical Cybersecurity Tips for SMBs in 2024

5 Critical Cybersecurity Tips for SMBs in 2024

If you run a small business, you might not think that you are a priority target for hackers. But you'd be wrong and here are 5 critical cybersecurity tips.

Small and Medium-Sized Businesses (SMBs) are among the most frequent target for cyber attacks. Even the smallest business holds a wealth of personal information on customers, employees, and other businesses. In addition, SMBs are at greater risk for cyber attacks because they tend to be easier targets, and don’t always have the resources that larger organizations can deploy to protect themselves. Continue reading

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