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Staying Productive While Working Remotely

Staying Productive While Working Remotely

Staying Productive While Working Remotely

The recent COVID-19 outbreak has forced many companies and governmental institutions to ask their employees to work from home. At first, that might sound like a brilliant idea, but most people are not used to working away from their offices. There are a lot of distractions at home and it might not be easy to switch into work mode when there are no co-workers or management around. This article will provide you with tips on how to stay productive and organize a comfortable home office.

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Time to Raise Prices

Don’t Want to Raise Prices? It May Be Time

Don’t Want to Raise Prices? It May Be Time

Even when they must, many MSPs refuse to raise prices. Instead of generating more MRR to cover additional costs, these business owners settle for decreasing profit margins. They don’t have to, but they do. For them, they’d rather not have difficult conversations with clients about price increases. If this sounds like you, there are steps you can take to ease your way into these sensitive discussions. Continue reading

CloudBerry Explorer

CloudBerry Explorer for macOS 1.1.0 is Out

CloudBerry Explorer for macOS 1.1.0 is Out

Introducing the new and updated version of MSP360 Explorer for macOS. We’ve listened to your feedback and are glad to present the latest version of our freeware tool. In this release, we have added lots of interesting features and improved the overall user experience, so we are sure you will find it very comfortable to use. Now let me describe these awesome features:

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