We’re thrilled to share that MSP360 Backup has been reviewed by PCMag, one of the most trusted names in tech reviews, and has earned an impressive 4.0 (Excellent) rating! This recognition validates our continuous efforts to enhance MSP360 Backup and deliver a top-tier backup solution for MSPs and businesses. Continue reading
Efficient Backup Strategy in 3 Steps
According to the National Archives and Records Administration in Washington, D.C., 93% of companies that experienced a data loss resulting in downtime of over 10 days filed for bankruptcy within a year of the disaster. Half of these did so immediately.
News You Might’ve Missed. 13-17 July
What’s new this week in the news for MSPs? Google launches data analyzer BigQuery Omni; Assured Workloads for Government by Google Started; Confidential VMs Available from Google; GoldenHelper malware in official Chinese tax software; AgeLocker ransomware discovered to use Google encryption tool; and Collabera hit in Maze ransomware attack.
Sam Bocetta: The Evolution of Cyberwarfare
Back in late April, with the world’s media distracted by the COVID-19 pandemic and businesses desperately trying to improve their remote desktop security, a number of cyberattacks in the Middle East showed us what the future of cyberwarfare might be. Continue reading
ITSM for MSPs: Guide to IT Service Management
IT service management, or ITSM for short, is a strategic approach to optimizing and improving IT service company strategy, goals, objectives, and processes to maximize the quality of the service provided to the customer. This approach is popular among managed service providers who target bigger clients with more advanced IT needs and demands, or those whose aim is to build a flawless and streamlined service.
News You Might’ve Missed. 6 – 10 July
What’s new this week in the news for MSPs?
Amazon launches AWS Outposts support for its Relational Database Service; ransomware used by hackers to attack and threaten victims for GDPR breaches is targeting MongoDB users; MSP Xchanging suffers ransomware attack; Office 365 users hit by phishing attacks through OAuth apps; and more. Let’s see what it’s all about.
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How Important Are Linux Skills for MSPs Today?
As an MSP, you should always be on the lookout for ways to align your managed service offerings more closely with customer demand. Expanding your knowledge of Linux and related platforms may be a good way to do this. Continue reading
MSP Client Offboarding Checklist
One day you will lose a customer. Whether it’s due to a highly competitive market, a critical misunderstanding, or the changing landscape pushing the client out of business, to name just a few possibilities, it happens even with the most professional and the best-managed IT providers on the market.
5 Actions MSPs Can Take to Retain Top Talent
With unemployment as low as it is in the technology space, MSPs are having a difficult time not only finding top talent but retaining it. While this isn’t good news for MSPs, they can overcome this HR challenge by simply putting their employees first.
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BCDR: Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Basics
BCDR stands for “business continuity and disaster recovery.” This term aggregates the strategy and the collection of approaches that a business needs to implement in order to keep at least mission-critical functions up and running during and after any unplanned event or a disaster.
News You Might’ve Missed. 29 June – 03 July
What's new this week in the news for MSPs?
App2Container tool by Amazon makes its debut; many US websites hit in WastedLocker ransomware attacks; Maze ransomware allegedly strikes Xerox; and, new Thiefquest data wiper using ransomware in its attacks. Let's see what it's all about.
MSP Client Onboarding Process
If you’re onboarding clients, it means you’re adding new business and generating more revenue, but the more clients you onboard, the more likely it is you’re going to make a mistake. That’s why developing an onboarding process to ensure everything is in order is essential for growing MSPs. Continue reading