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MSP’s Guide to Targeting Prospects with Internal IT

MSP’s Guide to Targeting Prospects with Internal IT

MSP’s Guide to Targeting Prospects with Internal IT

Quite often when you reach out to a new prospect, you might hear: “You know, that sounds great, but we already have an IT department in place.” Whether this “IT department” is a real department or a one-man army, the answer comes across clearly as “not interested”. Or does it? Not really. Companies with internal IT are indeed harder nuts to crack, but there are several possibilities for landing them. In this article, we will overview four such possibilities.

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Louisiana Law Requires MSP Registration With the State

Louisiana Law Requires MSP Registration with the State

Louisiana Law Requires MSP Registration with the State

The managed IT provider business is on the rise in the US, and MSPs are operating in every public and private sector of the economy. Many private-sector organizations working with sensitive data were forced to operate under certain compliance regimes, such as HIPAA for the medical sector. These regimes make strict stipulations about the way sensitive data should be managed and IT infrastructure secured in an organization.

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News You Might've Missed

News You Might’ve Missed. 27 – 31 July

News You Might’ve Missed. 27 – 31 July

What’s new this week in the news for MSPs?

Google plans upgrades to improve cloud connectivity; new vulnerability impacts Linux and Windows installations; a new open-source tool from CyberArk to identify shadow admin accounts in MS Azure and AWS; new Ensiko malware aimed at Windows, macOS and Linux web servers; and Emotet malware has a new email-attachment-stealing feature. Let’s see what it’s all about.

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Public vs Private Cloud Storage vs Vendor Cloud: What Is Best for Backup

Public vs Private Cloud Storage vs Vendor Cloud: What Is Best

Public vs Private Cloud Storage vs Vendor Cloud: What Is Best

Everyone knows that backup is a must nowadays. When you lose your data, you lose money and, in some cases, the whole business or, if you are a managed IT provider, your clients. The amount of data you need to back up is getting bigger and bigger over time. It has got so big, in fact, that the popularity of local storage solutions and local backups is diminishing. You can, for sure, store your data in the cloud, but how do you choose the right option?

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News You Might've Missed

News You Might’ve Missed. 20 – 24 July

News You Might’ve Missed. 20 – 24 July

What’s in the news this week for MSPs?

More security features coming to Gmail and G Suite; Orange S.A. suffers ransomware attack with data stolen; Emotet botnet rapidly spreading QuakBot malware; Netwalker ransomware strikes Lorien Health Services; GEDmatch the DNA matching service suffers a data breach; and hackers compromise Twilio’s TaskRouter JS SDK. Let’s see what it’s all about.

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3 Reasons Why Efficient IT Is the Key to Business Survival

3 Reasons Why Efficient IT Is the Key to Business Survival

3 Reasons Why Efficient IT Is the Key to Business Survival

In uncertain times, only the most efficient businesses will survive. In 2020, it’s obvious that efficiency is based on flawless and streamlined operations that are, in most cases, based on IT solutions. However, this is not obvious to everyone. Sometimes the corporate decision makers fail to see the perspective of robust IT infrastructure and solutions. In this article, we will reveal why exactly your business should invest in IT.

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Follow the Data to Build Your MSP Strategy

Follow the Data to Build Your MSP Strategy

Follow the Data to Build Your MSP Strategy

It was not that long ago that a thought leader had to earn their reputation. These days, just about anyone can set themselves up as a thought leader and share their opinions on a global platform.

They need not have experience or expertise. They just require the ability to market themselves effectively to a wide audience. This helps to seal their reputation and reach “influencer” status. Continue reading

News You Might've Missed

News You Might’ve Missed. 13-17 July

News You Might’ve Missed. 13-17 July

What’s new this week in the news for MSPs? Google launches data analyzer BigQuery Omni; Assured Workloads for Government by Google Started; Confidential VMs Available from Google; GoldenHelper malware in official Chinese tax software; AgeLocker ransomware discovered to use Google encryption tool; and Collabera hit in Maze ransomware attack.

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