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Amazon S3 Glacier

What Is Amazon S3 Glacier and How to Use It

What Is Amazon S3 Glacier and How to Use It

Amazon S3 is one of the core services offered by AWS that has a wide variety of use cases, from serving static websites to hosting images, managing data, and much more. In this post, we will review the ins and outs of Amazon S3 Glacier, a special storage class of Amazon S3 that serves as a cost-effective tool for low-access, long-term storage such as archives required for compliance. Continue reading

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MSP360 Standalone Backup

MSP360 Backup 7.0: Guide to New Backup Format

MSP360 Backup 7.0: Guide to New Backup Format

Here at MSP360, we are proud to announce the major release of the MSP360 Backup version 7.0. It introduces a number of critical changes and updates with the most important of them all - the entirely new backup format. It allows to speed up backup and recovery processes, deduplicate files, and so much more! Read on to learn more.
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S3 vs Azure vs Google Cloud

Amazon S3, MS Azure and Google Cloud Storage Pricing Comparison

Amazon S3, MS Azure and Google Cloud Storage Pricing Comparison

When it comes to choosing professional cloud storage, pricing may become the deciding point. To help you better navigate the ever-changing cloud storage market, we prepared a short article comparing prices for three of the most popular solutions: Microsoft Azure, Google Storage, and Amazon S3 cloud storage services.

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S3 vs EC2

Amazon EC2 vs Amazon S3: Difference and Use Cases

Amazon EC2 vs Amazon S3: Difference and Use Cases

Amazon Web Services allows its users to build complex interconnected applications in the cloud. To do that, you can use the virtual machines of Amazon EC2 or the expandable storage of Amazon S3. This article explains in detail what each of the given services does, the difference between them, how you can use Amazon EC2 and Amazon S3 together, and what additional AWS services (such as EFS and EBS) you might wish to use combined with EC2 and S3.
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AWS EC2 Backup

How to Back Up Amazon EC2 Instances

How to Back Up Amazon EC2 Instances

Amazon EC2 is one of the world’s most popular cloud virtual machine environments. Naturally, there are several ways to perform the backup of your instances running on this server. The ways depend on the way you want to perform a backup, on the flexibility of the recovery operations available for you, and on the number and type of data you will transfer. This article overviews the different methods for backing up EC2 instances and discusses the pros and cons of each Amazon cloud backup approach.

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BitLocker Overview

Introduction to BitLocker for MSPs

Introduction to BitLocker for MSPs

It's no secret that data security is vitally important for every organization: by protecting customers’ data, MSPs will safeguard both their client’s businesses and their reputations.
The protection of customer data today goes beyond using anti-malware and firewall software. It also goes beyond using a secure password on every device. Continue reading

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