At least once in your life, you've been cyberpwned. Also, chances are that you know exactly what triggered the successful attack. Continue reading
News You Might’ve Missed. 17 – 21 Aug
What's new this week in the news for MSPs?
New AI tools coming from AWS; Carnival has customer data stolen in a ransomware attack; Russian malware Drovorub aimed at federal Linux-based defense systems; Satan DDoS now scans and infects Linux systems; TeamTNT’s crypto-mining worm steals AWS credentials from Docker systems, and cybercriminals arming phishing emails with macro codes that launch KONNI to grab data and more. Continue reading
News You Might’ve Missed. 10 – 14 August
What's new this week in the news for MSPs?
Pentagon asks for more time on the JEDI contract; SANS Institute data breach; Agent Tesla upgraded to steal passwords; Dharma ransomware being exploited by hackers in attacks; and Microsoft allowing Office 365 admins to manage phishing simulations. Let's see what it's all about.
Guide to Single Sign-On (SSO) for MSPs
Single sign-on, or SSO, helps companies improve business efficiency, while also providing security benefits. However, many companies -- especially those without large in-house IT staff -- lack the resources to implement an SSO solution themselves. Continue reading
News You Might’ve Missed. 03 – 07 August
What’s new this week in the news for MSPs?
Google introduces Certificate Authentication Service in beta in Google Cloud; Canon confirms Maze ransomware cyberattack; Interpol reports American SMBs the target of LockBit ransomware; Garmin pays WastedLocker ransom after cyberattack; and WastedLocker is abusing Windows memory to hide from detection. Let’s see what it’s all about.
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News You Might’ve Missed. 27 – 31 July
What’s new this week in the news for MSPs?
Google plans upgrades to improve cloud connectivity; new vulnerability impacts Linux and Windows installations; a new open-source tool from CyberArk to identify shadow admin accounts in MS Azure and AWS; new Ensiko malware aimed at Windows, macOS and Linux web servers; and Emotet malware has a new email-attachment-stealing feature. Let’s see what it’s all about.
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News You Might’ve Missed. 20 – 24 July
What’s in the news this week for MSPs?
More security features coming to Gmail and G Suite; Orange S.A. suffers ransomware attack with data stolen; Emotet botnet rapidly spreading QuakBot malware; Netwalker ransomware strikes Lorien Health Services; GEDmatch the DNA matching service suffers a data breach; and hackers compromise Twilio’s TaskRouter JS SDK. Let’s see what it’s all about.
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News You Might’ve Missed. 13-17 July
What’s new this week in the news for MSPs? Google launches data analyzer BigQuery Omni; Assured Workloads for Government by Google Started; Confidential VMs Available from Google; GoldenHelper malware in official Chinese tax software; AgeLocker ransomware discovered to use Google encryption tool; and Collabera hit in Maze ransomware attack.
Sam Bocetta: The Evolution of Cyberwarfare
Back in late April, with the world’s media distracted by the COVID-19 pandemic and businesses desperately trying to improve their remote desktop security, a number of cyberattacks in the Middle East showed us what the future of cyberwarfare might be. Continue reading
News You Might’ve Missed. 6 – 10 July
What’s new this week in the news for MSPs?
Amazon launches AWS Outposts support for its Relational Database Service; ransomware used by hackers to attack and threaten victims for GDPR breaches is targeting MongoDB users; MSP Xchanging suffers ransomware attack; Office 365 users hit by phishing attacks through OAuth apps; and more. Let’s see what it’s all about.
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How Important Are Linux Skills for MSPs Today?
As an MSP, you should always be on the lookout for ways to align your managed service offerings more closely with customer demand. Expanding your knowledge of Linux and related platforms may be a good way to do this. Continue reading
News You Might’ve Missed. 29 June – 03 July
What's new this week in the news for MSPs?
App2Container tool by Amazon makes its debut; many US websites hit in WastedLocker ransomware attacks; Maze ransomware allegedly strikes Xerox; and, new Thiefquest data wiper using ransomware in its attacks. Let's see what it's all about.