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News You Might’ve Missed. June 2022

News You Might’ve Missed. June 2022

What's new this month in the news for MSPs? Google adds rate-limiting, threat intelligence, bot management, and other capabilities to Google Cloud armor; Google launching Google Public Sector cloud division; Cybersecurity warning from CISA on Karakurt data extortion; New evasive Symbiote malware infecting Linux systems; and more.

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News You Might’ve Missed. May 2022

News You Might’ve Missed. May 2022

What's new this month in the news for MSPs? Google Cloud zeroing in on cloud governance, zero trust, open source software, etc.; 5 new critical vulnerabilities in enterprise network switches; Trend Micro finds Linux-based ransomware ”Cheerscrypt” targeting VMware ESXi servers; vulnerabilities in VMware and F5 products warning from CISA; and more. Continue reading

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News You Might've Missed

News You Might’ve Missed. April 2022

News You Might’ve Missed. April 2022

What's new this month in the news for MSPs? Microsoft previews its first ARM-based Azure Virtual Machines; Spring Cloud Function could be the next Log4Shell vuln; Microsoft Exchange servers the target of Hive ransomware affiliate; files are destroyed by Onyx ransomware, not encrypted; and Emotet malware leveraging Windows PowerShell shortcuts for installation. Continue reading

News You Might've Missed

News You Might’ve Missed. March 2022

News You Might’ve Missed. March 2022

What's new this month in the news for MSPs? VMware and Google Cloud announce partnership expansion to focus on cloud migration; AWS says it’s investing over $2.3bn in data centers in the UK; Linux “Dirty Pipe” vulnerability allows attackers to gains data overwrite access; Microsoft confirms Lapsus$ hacking; Hive ransomware hides payload using “IPfuscation” trick; and Suncrypt is still busy and humming in 2022. Continue reading

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News You Might’ve Missed. January 2022

News You Might’ve Missed. January 2022

What's new this month in the news for MSPs? Flexible instances for high-performance computing workloads launched by Amazon; 12-year-old vulnerability in a Linux system tool gives hackers root privileges; new warning to NAS users from QNAP on DeadBolt ransomware; prepare for data-wiping cyberattacks says CISA; and more. Continue reading

5 Largest Ransomware Attacks of 2021 Explained

The Five Largest Ransomware Attacks of 2021 Explained

The Five Largest Ransomware Attacks of 2021 Explained

2021 was a banner year for ransomware, which is a type of malicious software that encrypts files, disrupts the operations of companies, and asks for a ransom in exchange for the release of the data. Attacks have devastated companies of all shapes and sizes, and crippled hospitals, fuel pipelines, food supply organizations and more. Continue reading

VPN Management Best Practices

Guide to Vendor Off-boarding: Checklist Included

Guide to Vendor Off-boarding: Checklist Included

There are several reasons why you may need to change your current solutions vendor or discontinue your contract.

First of all, you may have found a solution that fits your needs better, either because of the technological shift your company is experiencing, or because you have found a solution that has outgrown its competition and you think it's worth switching. Continue reading

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