Join us for an exclusive webinar where Oleg Sapon, VP of Product Management, will walk you through the newest features in MSP360 RMM version 2.2.
Introducing MSP360 Explorer 5.6 for Amazon S3
MSP360 Explorer, Amazon S3 browser for Windows, has been updated with support for Amazon’s new Osaka-Local region and their new storage class — One Zone-Infrequent Access.
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Introducing CloudBerry Explorer 5.5.1 for Amazon S3
CloudBerry Explorer, Amazon S3 browser for Windows, has been updated with support for AWS Security Token Service.
Signup for Amazon S3 Service and Connect to It with CloudBerry Explorer
In this article, we will explain how to register an account in Amazon Web Services and start using Amazon S3 storage. To simplify data management in Amazon S3, we will use CloudBerry Explorer Freeware for Amazon S3.
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Introducing CloudBerry Explorer 5.4 for S3
Today CloudBerry Explorer for Amazon S3 is receiving yet another update that brings support for the BackBlaze B2 lifecycle and expands the list of supported Amazon S3 & Glacier regions. Read on to learn more about the latest additions.
Assuming an IAM Role via CloudBerry Explorer
CloudBerry Explorer enables users to authenticate to Amazon S3 using regular credentials. Taking things further, we've implemented support for IAM roles in the latest iteration of CloudBerry Explorer — release 5.0.5. In this article, we talk about how this mechanism functions and how to assume a role in Explorer.
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Free-To-Trial License Upgrade in MSP360 Explorer 5.0.3
The latest iteration of MSP360 Explorer has been released. Version 5.0.3 brings a new license upgrade mechanism that enables you to seamlessly switch from the free to trial tier. Let's take a closer look at the new feature.
OneDrive for Business Support in MSP360 Explorer 2.8 for Azure
MSP360 Explorer for Azure has been updated to expand the list of available cloud storage solutions. Namely, Microsoft OneDrive for Business is now supported.
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Cross-Account Copy with MSP360 Explorer for Windows Azure
MSP360 Explorer for Microsoft Azure now supports cross-account copy – a feature of Microsoft Azure that allows copying data between storage accounts within the Azure infrastructure. With the latest enhancements, Explorer for Microsoft Azure has become one of the most efficient and easy solutions for moving data from one Azure account to another. Cross-account copy allows saving time and funds on data migration as you don’t need to move data from Azure to your local computer and back anymore.
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How to Setup Object Expiration with MSP360 Explorer for Amazon S3
Bucket Lifecycle feature in MSP360 Explorer allows users to specify Object Expiration policy for Amazon S3. This feature makes it easier for our customers to use the functionality of Amazon S3. Lifecycle feature now consists of two options: Object Expiration and Transition.
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Creating Google Cloud Lifecycle Rules in MSP360 Explorer
We recently wrote an overview of Google Cloud Storage classes. However, working with various storage classes is not limited to selecting them. Google also allows you to set lifecycle rules for buckets. Naturally, MSP360 Explorer is capable of creating these rules.
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S3 tagging in MSP360 Explorer 5.0
Amazon has recently introduced S3 Object Tagging. With S3 Object Tagging, you can manage and control access for Amazon S3 objects. S3 Object Tags are key-value pairs applied to S3 objects which can be created, updated or deleted at any time during the lifetime of the object. With these, you’ll have the ability to create Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies, setup S3 Lifecycle policies, and customize storage metrics. These object-level tags can then manage transitions between storage classes and expire objects in the background. The latest version of MSP360 Backup supports S3 tagging out of the box.
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