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Checklists for Managed Service Providers

How Checklists Can Power Your MSP Business

How Checklists Can Power Your MSP Business

If we’re being honest, one thing you’ll admit about the human brain is, it can’t always be relied on. It tends to forget even the most important steps in routine processes.

Now that’s precisely where checklists come in. Although they are often overlooked, checklists are critical in organizing all sorts of projects. But not just in the MSP world. If you keenly observe other professionals, you’ll notice that pretty much everyone is now using checklists in their work environments. Continue reading

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Multi Factor Authentication MFA

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) as a Must-Have for MSPs

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) as a Must-Have for MSPs

When a tech giant like Microsoft says a simple tool can prevent 99.9% of attacks, that should be enough to grab your attention. Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is not a catchall security tool but it can certainly be your first line of defense against sensitive data breaches. Here’s everything you need to know about making the most of any MFA system. Continue reading

5 MDM Solutions for MSPs

5 MSP-Friendly MDM Solutions

5 MSP-Friendly MDM Solutions

With more than 60% of organizations embracing BYOD in their workplaces, it’s evident the trend is here to stay. What’s more, 87% of companies are now encouraging their employees to access business apps via their personal devices.

Here’s the kicker though. While organizations are pretty excited about leveraging BYOD and IoT to increase productivity, MSPs think otherwise. Continue reading

amazon s3 as backup storage

AWS S3 Glacier storage class Instead of AWS S3 Glacier Vaults: A Step Forward

AWS S3 Glacier storage class Instead of AWS S3 Glacier Vaults: A Step Forward

AWS S3 Glacier Vaults are no longer supported

With the cessation of Glacier Vaults support, we strongly advise using AWS S3 Glacier as a storage class. Your storage costs remain the same, and you have the advantage of the S3 Glacier improvements. To get an idea of these, read through this post.

Data Management

AWS Glacier was designed for data archiving and long-term data storage. AWS S3 was constructed as scalable and secure object storage with high availability and performance. Therefore, the main difference between them is the data storage approach. In AWS Glacier, data is stored in unique containers called vaults (archives), whereas AWS S3 Glacier stores data as objects in buckets.

What is the advantage of storing data in objects compared to vaults? The answer is simple: more convenient data management. For example, if you need to check your vault contents, you have to retrieve the data first. This operation can take significant time, up to several hours. When your data is stored in the bucket, you just need to open it in order to view a list of objects.

Storage Options

Another benefit of AWS S3 storage is the Glacier Deep Archive storage class. S3 Glacier Deep Archive is Amazon S3’s lowest-cost storage class, which supports long-term retention and digital preservation of data that may be accessed once or twice a year. Thus, Deep Archive looks to be an excellent option to optimize your storage costs.

Improved API

According to the official AWS statement, the existing Glacier direct APIs will continue to work just as they do at the moment. However, the S3 APIs provide easier management of your data in the S3 Glacier storage class.


Having taken into account all the advantages of AWS S3 over AWS Glacier, we have decided to discontinue support for AWS Glacier and recommend migrating your data to AWS S3. Support for Glacier for restoring your data remains active.

To learn more about AWS S3 Glacier and AWS S3 Glacier Deep Archive, refer to this article. You are invited to discuss the subject in the post comment section below.

End-User Training Guide for MSPs

Guide to End-User Training for MSPs

Guide to End-User Training for MSPs

Many managed IT providers believe that, no matter how hard you train the end users, they will still click the links, download the malware, provide account information, or simply send corporate money to the malefactors. End-user training is, indeed, not a panacea. However, it aims to decrease the chances of a successful attack or intrusion.

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MSP’s Guide to Targeting Prospects with Internal IT

MSP’s Guide to Targeting Prospects with Internal IT

MSP’s Guide to Targeting Prospects with Internal IT

Quite often when you reach out to a new prospect, you might hear: “You know, that sounds great, but we already have an IT department in place.” Whether this “IT department” is a real department or a one-man army, the answer comes across clearly as “not interested”. Or does it? Not really. Companies with internal IT are indeed harder nuts to crack, but there are several possibilities for landing them. In this article, we will overview four such possibilities.

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