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4 Reasons Not to Use Linux as an MSP

4 Reasons Not to Use Linux as an MSP

4 Reasons Not to Use Linux as an MSP

In certain cases, Linux offers great advantages to MSPs who need an operating system to run on their own systems, or to provision servers and workstations for their clients. Most Linux distributions are free of cost. There is also a variety of free applications available to run on them. You don’t need to worry about managing licenses. Linux, in general, is not susceptible to most of the malware that can affect Windows. Continue reading

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Pay-as-You-Go Model for MSPs

Is the Pay-as-You-Go Model a Viable Option for MSPs?

Is the Pay-as-You-Go Model a Viable Option for MSPs?

When it comes to making big IT and services purchases, not every client may want to buy the same way.

This is especially true for MSPs, as small businesses often make up a significant portion of their clientele. A small business with a tight budget might not be able to afford a full-service managed service offering or maybe such a small business that the owners don’t feel like they need that level of support. Continue reading


IAM vs PAM vs PIM: Guide to Access Management

IAM vs PAM vs PIM: Guide to Access Management

With the rise in the number of solutions and applications that organizations are using, corporate access management becomes a critical layer of protection and should be treated accordingly. However, access management is not a cloud-only concept. It directly affects most of the IT assets in the organization, starting with desktop log-ins and up to physical access to the server lockers. So, to provide maximum possible security in the organization, you should embed a centralized access management policy. Continue reading

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Service Desk vs Help Desk

Service Desk vs Help Desk: The Difference Explained

Service Desk vs Help Desk: The Difference Explained

Most of your clients and even most of your tech staffers won’t see any difference between a service desk and a help desk. In fact, many, if not all, MSPs themselves tend to not notice the difference between these concepts. However, from the processual and operational points of view, a service desk and a help desk are indeed different concepts. Continue reading

MSP Knowledge Management Guide

MSP Knowledge Management Guide

MSP Knowledge Management Guide

Imagine that you employed the best tier-two staffer in the world. This person knows just about everything about your clients, can draw a network map for any of them with their eyes closed, standing on one leg in a dark room. And this perfect T2 is supportive – they will gladly teach any T1 you send them and share and spread their knowledge throughout your whole team. Now, let’s imagine the darkest of days, the day when this T2 leaves you, for whatever reason. Continue reading

Research Time: To Charge or Not to Charge

Research Time: To Charge or Not to Charge

Research Time: To Charge or Not to Charge

MSPs don’t know everything about every piece of technology, solution, or cyberthreat. There’s just so much to know. It’s impossible to know how to fix every problem that arises. IT infrastructures are complex. If you find yourself researching problems, you’re not alone. But when you do, do you charge your clients for your time? Continue reading

How to Properly Move a New Client from a Previous MSP

How to Properly Move a New Client from a Previous MSP

How to Properly Move a New Client from a Previous MSP

When acquiring a new client, there are always ups and downs. There’s usually that initial phase of excitement and exhilaration, where your confidence as a salesperson is at a high. Then, what follows is the realization of having to deliver on your promises, a stressful moment for any business owner. Continue reading

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