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NAS Backup Strategy

NAS Backup Strategy: Local, Cloud and Hybrid Backup

NAS Backup Strategy: Local, Cloud and Hybrid Backup

Unlike typical external hard drives, NAS devices provide built-in operating systems that support features like remote access, printer streaming, or native media streaming. Additionally, you can save images, server data, application databases, and so forth without any supplementary management device.   Continue reading

QNAP Cloud Backup: Best Practices, Software to Use

QNAP Cloud Backup: Best Practices, Software to Use

A QNAP NAS is a great way to keep data safe and available. But the fact is that even if you have data redundancy built into the NAS, it’s still important to perform QNAP cloud backups as well to back up your NAS data to a remote location. Not only does backing up QNAP data to the cloud help you to meet the requirements of the 3-2-1 backup rule, but it may also be required by compliance regulations. Continue reading

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Benefits of Cloud-Based Storage

Why Cloud-Based Storage Is Better Than Traditional Storage

Why Cloud-Based Storage Is Better Than Traditional Storage

It’s never been more important to back up business data.

Data breaches are happening every day, and there aren’t any signs of attacks slowing down anytime soon.

Even though there are numerous ways to back up data, using cloud-based storage is becoming increasingly popular among businesses. Continue reading

Microsoft Azure vs Amazon S3 Data Transfer Pricing Comparison

Microsoft Azure vs Amazon S3 Data Transfer Pricing Comparison

Microsoft Azure vs Amazon S3 Data Transfer Pricing Comparison

Bandwidth and data transfer pricing can have a significant cost on your cloud-computing bill. And unlike the basic pricing of cloud-computing instances, data transfer costs on clouds like Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Azure can be difficult to compare, because each cloud provider uses a somewhat different model for data transfer pricing. Continue reading

Building the Backup Infrastructure in Small Organizations: Hybrid Systems

Part 3: SMB Backup Infrastructure: Hybrid Systems

Part 3: SMB Backup Infrastructure: Hybrid Systems

This is the third in a series of articles on setting up backups. The first was on backing up local infrastructure. The second was on setting up backups when a company’s applications and data are all in the cloud. This article addresses the third scenario: when a company has some data in the cloud and some local. This might be a scenario where the basic productivity apps like the office suite are hosted locally, and specialized apps like payroll or enterprise resource planning (ERP) apps are in the cloud. Continue reading

Part 2: SMB Backup Infrastructure with Cloud Apps

Part 2: SMB Backup Infrastructure with Cloud Apps

Part 2: SMB Backup Infrastructure with Cloud Apps

This article covers organizations that have no in-house IT infrastructure; they have PCs, or ChromeBoxes, or other terminals, but they’re only used to access apps via the browser. It might be MS Office 365, Google Apps, another cloud office suite, or other Cloud apps as well, such as sales force automation, customer relationship management, accounting software or enterprise resource planning. Continue reading

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