Desktop Backup Software with MSP360

MSP360 offers affordable desktop backup software for Windows, Linux, macOS, featuring high security standards, and seamless multi-tenant management for large-scale IT environments. Freeware or at just $2.5/month.

Desktop Backup Software with MSP360

For Windows, Linux, MacOS

Bring Your Own Storage

Choose the Backup Solution That Fits Your Needs


Best for Personal Workstation Backup

Start for Free - Upgrade Anytime Perfect for Getting Started

  • File Backup
  • Management: Local application
  • Storage Limit: 5 TB
  • Support: Forum-based support
  • Supported OS: Windows, macOS, Linux


Best Suited for up to 5 Desktops
/ month*

On-Premise Solution Best Suited for Managing Up to 5 Devices

  • File Backup
  • Image-Based Backup
  • Management: Local application
  • Storage Limit: 5 TB/agent
  • Support: Email support
  • Supported OS: Windows, macOS, Linux
Built for MSPs


Great for MSPs or businesses with 5+ devices
/ month*

One-Stop-Shop Console with Flexible Monthly or Annual Payments. Ideal for MSPs and Large IT Departments

  • File Backup
  • Image-Based Backup
  • Mobile Application
  • Rebranding
  • MSP360 Connect Included
  • Advanced Reporting and Alerting
  • Management: Web-console with centralized management and monitoring
  • Storage Limit: No storage limits
  • Support: 24/7/365 live technical support
  • Supported OS: Windows, macOS, Linux

Key Benefits of MSP360 Desktop Backup Software

Access Your Data Anytime Anywhere

When you regularly back up your desktop data to a cloud storage using the MSP360 web console, you always have access to all your files. Simply log in to the console to find anything you need.
Access Your Data Anytime Anywhere

Fast Desktop Backups With Less Bandwidth Consumption

The synthetic full backup feature is enabled automatically to minimize backup time and bandwidth consumption, as all unchanged data is copied to the new dataset within the storage.
Fast Desktop Backups With Less Bandwidth Consumption

Get Back to Work Without Delays

Get the maximum level of restore flexibility with MSP360 Managed Backup. You can recover files from anywhere: physical, virtual, or cloud.
Get Back to Work Without Delays

Ensure Business Continuity

Timely backups are crucial for business continuity. Reduce business downtime in case of any computer issues by backing up your desktop information.
Ensure Business Continuity

Advanced Protection

Protect data with encryption and immutable backups. MSP360 Managed Backup supports AES encryption with key sizes of 128, 192 and 256 bits, and object lock for Amazon S3, Wasabi and Backblaze B2.
Advanced Protection

Centrally Manage Your Desktop Backups

Use a single console to create and run workstation backups remotely and centrally manage all your backups and restores.
Centrally Manage Your Desktop Backups

Desktop Backup Best Practices with MSP360 Managed Backup

This whitepaper will help you build an optimal desktop backup and recovery strategy, whether you’re managing tens or thousands of workstations across an organization.

Download Now
Desktop Backup Best Practices with MSP360 Managed Backup

Desktop Backup FAQ

Why is desktop backup software important?

How often should I back up my desktop data?

Does MSP360 offer a free trial?

What features should I look for in desktop backup software?

Is MSP360's desktop backup software secure?

How can I start desktop cloud backups with MSP360 Managed Backup?

Desktop Backup Software
With MSP360
